A Robin's Sad Song - 2

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   Ugg how does this work, wait if I does and then that. YESSS it works, it may have been taken weeks but I master how to build a simi strong firewall. I've got to monitor this and make constant updates to it to make it stronger. Ok lets go online and see whats up... wait hold the phone it's april 8th(idk the real date if you do plez tell me) oh on, oh no no no no my parents died today.  Oh shoott, I dash to grab my hood just I case and my laptop and ran out of my home to Bree's Flowers and Bouquets I rush in and see Bree working and when she sees me she smiles and gets up to get my flowers. Bree is one of the few who people who work here who knows why I always come here. Bree comes in with my mom and dads favorite flowers ever. I smile at her pay for the flowers and thank her while I leave. I'll walk over to the cemetery to where my parents are. I sit down and pull out my laptop and play the music.

Hey there now,
Where'd you go,
You left me here so unexpected, I see a fire.
You changed my life
I hope you know, you taught me  to be who I want to be.
cause now I'm lost
So unprotected, I see me crying after hear about them not making out of there.

In a blink of an eye
I never got to say goodbye,I Hey there now
Where'd you go
You left me here so unexpected
You changed my life
I hope you know
cause now I'm lost
So unprotected

In a blink of an eye
I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star
Flyin' across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You're part of me
And I'll never be
The same here without you
You were gone too soon

You were always there
and like shining light
on my darkest days
you were there to guide me

Oh I miss you now
I wish you could see
Just how much your memory
Will always mean to me

In a blink of an eye
I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star
Flyin' across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You're part of me
And I'll never be
The same here without you
You were gone too soon

Shine on! Shine on!
On to a better place
Shine on! Shine on!
Will never be the same
Shine on! Shine on!

Like a shooting star
Flyin' across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You're part of me
And I'll never be
The same here without you
You were gone too soon

Shine on! Shine on!
You were gone too soon
Shine on! Shine on!
You were gone too soon
Shine on! Shine on!
You were gone too soon fighting and me telling them i hate you

Like a shooting star
Flyin' across the room,I remember  the stories Tata told me of when he was an acrobat.
So fast so far
You were gone too soon, an old family pictures of us flashs by.
You're part of me
And I'll never be
The same here without you, all the cuts I did over the years
You were gone too soon,

You were always there
and like shining light
on my darkest days
you were there to guide me,  when Tata helps me through  all the billing at school.

Oh I miss you now
I wish you could see
Just how much your memory
Will always mean to me, the day I put the hoodie on , it was for you guys

In a blink of an eye,
I never got to say goodbye,

Like a shooting star
Flyin' across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You're part of me
And I'll never be
The same here without you
You were gone too soon

Shine on! Shine on!
On to a better place
Shine on! Shine on!
Will never be the same
Shine on! Shine on!

Like a shooting star
Flyin' across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You're part of me
And I'll never be
The same here without you
You were gone too soon

Shine on! Shine on!
You were gone too soon
Shine on! Shine on!
You were gone too soon
Shine on! Shine on!
You were gone too soon,
I finish  the song and  I am full on crying I almost couldn't finish the song, I was crying that hard.
  I tell them what has happened over the past year. I get and leave and Asia was existing  the Cemetery I bump in to a person.

[[Bruces pov]]

I as I'm walking (idk just roll with it) thinking about who this child running around saving people, I hear a soft voice singing really well so I follow  it and as I was it disappear as I'm walking I hear a soft of and feel a slight push I see a kid sit on the ground he gets up gracefully and says a soft sorry,  I almost immediately tell him it was my fault and I'm sorry. He awkwardly stands there for a second and I say I'm Bruce Wayne what's your name. I hear one word Dick I'm taken back at the word that he used. He must have see my face or something because  he laughs and say my name is  Dick I wasn't  calling you out, I about to ask him more questions  when his makes a ringing noise. Dick's about to run off when I grab his arm to ask what's wrong.

[[Dicks pov]]

Mr.Wayne grabs my arm when I'm trying to go so I twist my arm out of his grip and boy is it strong. I run to a random ally  set my laptop down pull my software up while it loads I slip on my hoodie and face and eye mask on. I check on the software and sees it's a Wayne industry and in my mind I go, great just absolutely freaken great. It's that's dude it bump into place now I'll go die in a hole. After I get over my complaining  I run over there to see joker and scarecrow there arguing  about what they need. I decide to intervene and say how about nothing  they turn around.  Joker laughs and say ohhh oh a test subject let me let me try, he throws a small ball on the ground and start seeing creepy thing I yell out but I start to laugh and smile after a few seconds I weres off and then I jump into battle mode then a dark figure  jumps down out of the rafters and we kick butt. When I trun to see it's  Batman it turn to and tell him about the joker and scarecrow  gas mixture. Richard Grayson I here batman says. I wha--ho-when I studder out,he says I had a friend call up and says he found someone who looks like you and I'm here to stop you. I trun around and run fast.

Ok here the next chapter. I have fun time writing this one actually then the sad part came the song I had like 1223 words. And then when Bruce Wayne met Richard that was my favorite part. I don't know when but Robin will find out Batman's identity for this but it will happen I wrote an outline for this chapter but I'm not doing that again so if you see any mistakes please Point him out to me and if they're funny I will I might keep them. That's all for now peace out.

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