A Robin's Sad Song-4

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You know I always thought I would be scared of being glared at by The Batman, but I'm really not. It's probably the mask, I bet under that mask is a big cuddle bear. I smirk  and say you know it's rude to stare at people .

How do you know my name, he growled out.

you know it isn't that hard your in shape and left for a little while which I suspect is to train, and you have a lot of money for your fancy gadgets I point out with a sly grin 

 we will take about you knowing my identity later but now I want to know why your prancing around Gotham and acting like a hero when you should be in school he growled out.

you know Gotham isn't all rainbows and sunshine. stuff happens, I've seen and done more stuff then I'd like to admit. Your not my father.

No but if you would have waited you could have been had me. I would have tried to adopt you but when I got there I was told that you had were run away and I looked and looked but you weren't. He voice slowly dieing down to a whisper.

Bruce, I couldn't have stayed there. I would have died, the kids there were violent, and they pick on me for my size. The night I ran away they would have cut me were I would most likely bleed to the brink of death. That's why I ran away I over heard them planning it.

Richard. I'm sorry if I knew I would have worked harder to get them to let me have you. The court of owls sent  someone to take you but I fought  back to get you.

You really want me. I ask feeling a little insecure about myself.

Oh God Richard, yes I didn't want you to feel alone like I did. So will you come home with me please.

da, i-ar plăcea foarte mult, mulțumesc Bruce. ( yes i would like that alot, thanks)

When I hear Bruce says home I think the song homeward bound. I start humming the tune (play the song now please, sorry about the audio it's the closest words)

  In the quiet misty morning, when the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing and the sky is clear and red,
When the summer’s ceased its gleaming, when the corn is past its prime,
When adventure’s lost its meaning, I’ll be homeward bound in time.

Bind me not to the pasture. Chain me not to the plow.
Set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.

If you find it’s me you’re missing, if you’re hoping I’ll return,
To your thought I’ll soon be list’ning; in the road I’ll stop and turn.
Then the wind will set me racing as my journey nears its end,
And the path I’ll be retracing when I’m homeward bound again.

Bind me not to the pasture. Chain me not to the plow.
Set me free to find my calling and I’ll return to you somehow.

In the quiet misty morning when the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing, I’ll be homeward bound again

As we walk out I hear Bruce stop and I feel him just stare at me.

What you want bats I mutter.

Just listening to that song you were humming, what's the name of it?

Homewardbound, it's a song my parents would sing to me when I missed Romania.

Oh...... well I hope you don't expect me to sing because  your ears will start to bleed. Trust me it's better for the both of us.
I laughed when he said that I rarely do that anymore. I almost always force a laugh which usually turns into a crackle.

Thanks B-man I really needed that

Rob your safe is all I hear before  I see yellow streak and then black

Dude if you don't get off me you'll have to worry about yourself instead  of me.

I'm sorry dude just don't kill me this beautiful  face is to young to die.

Haha just don't turn into Narcissus Wally.(Brownie points  to anyone who  gets what that's person from)

Robin time to going hear oh and you just got burned Wallace, batsy call.

Rob-di-wha-no it can't be, can it did the batman just say you just got burned even though  I  didn't and when did you get so buddy buddy with bats

Yup I have to teach he somethings but  overall I'm pretty surprised he said and  did that.
Bruce I can't believe you just said that to wally, I have decided to teach you  in the art of burns some time just not today.

Wait what do you mean teach me no no and no.

What are you five or thirty-seven seriously. Oh by the way I have to pick some things from my base.

××another timeskip, scandalous××

Ok were is it, gosh how could I lose it the most important thing I have and it's gone, missing I mutter quietly.

I hear Batman mutter a what.

One of the last things I have of my parents.

OK so it's been a long time sense I updated. I'm sorry no excuses just that I'm very lazy.
I wanted to get something out to you all because I might not  update  for a while because I going through  a rough patch in life but I think I'll make it through.
Anyways yes I made dick still made him from a different  country because I just going well.
Well peace out✌♬♬

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