A Robin's Sad Song-5

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I start cry, when I feel Bruce's hand on my shoulder.

His voice comes out clear as he says, Dick calm down. What is it I'll help you look for it.

I try to tell him It's my elephant Peanut, it was the last thing I got from my parents before they burned in the fire but when it comes out it sounded weird.

In the calmest voice he probably could muster at the time, I was hysterical  I mean full on bawling.

Take deep breaths, in for three seconds, out for three, in for three, out for three. 

I slowly follow his directions, i can slowly feel my heart beat going down it was beating at a good 120 beats per second. Oh God I am really a mess, i had a panic attack over a stuff animal..... no that the most important item I have ever had.

  Good now can you tell me what you were freaking out about, as he is speaking he bent down and grabbed my shoulders, the only way I can help you is if you help me by telling me what to look for.

Thanks Bruce, I'm looking for the last thing I got from my parents, Peanut  the stuffed elephant. The few things that I saved from the fire. he's  grey  with a red patch on his side and blue feet, his fabric is really faded from all the times I had a really bad break down.........kinda like before.

Okay I think I have a mental image in my head now I'll look for that and you can look around to see if you missed anything he talked in a calming voice while pushing me away in a different direction. 

______________________________I'M BATMAN TIME SKIP______________________________

hey Rich--Dick, I cut him Off before he could say my full name

Excuse me young man you will respect me, it goes both way he yell looking like he ready blow (oh goodness i watch to much Markiplier  b to blow gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) a gasket.

slow down tall, dark, and gruesome i meant my name is Dick i don't like my full name. Its too....... proper I say with a shudder. oh and but the way I don't cuss it's just not proper and I've been trying to get Wally to stop and that's one of the hardest tasks I will ever do.

Oh..... I'm sorry Bruce spoke while rubbing the back of his neck, I didn't mean to get all ferocious over that.

hey, hey, hey  it's okay I mean I'm at fault too, i should have explained my self better, i should know better then just say Dick in the middle of the sentence. oh by the way what were you going to say before.

oh yeah, he exclaims while his eye slightly widen like i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted is this what your looking for.

he holds up a really faded elephant along with a cassette tape and player along with a headset, you know the more you look at them the more they look like the ones from Guardians of The Galaxy.

Bruce...... you found them I say trying not to cry, thank you so much.

hey whats song is in here he says taking out the tape looking for the name.

It's my moms song she wrote and sang for me and my dad. Put on the headphones and listen.

(play song here)
What's your story?
What's your plan?
Where you going to?
Where do you stand?
In this moment
Take a chance
Feel the light shine down
Live your life out loud
You can dance

Hear the laughter
in the air
Let your voice be hear
if you dare
Take the high road
To your dreams
Let the world see how
Life could be right now
Come with me

One step towards the edge
What will happen next?
Every moment tells the story of our lives

What would happen
If we try?
Could we spead our wings
And learn to fly?
And together
We can see
The world is ours
We can shine like stars
We can dream,oh
We can dream,yeah
We can dream, oh
We can dream





Dick this is amazing,  her voice is so pretty and what, how, when, what his jaw went slack like he couldn't think.

Well, well, well would you look at this, I say as I turn to face the screen(the one of the only time I break the forth wall,p.s. he had a little psychic powers he just don't show them much) The great Batman speechless who would have thought the day would come.

Oh shut up Dick....he smirks stop being such a dick

Oh hardehar Bruce.
Hoi people sorry I haven't update I have two reasons 1.) Laziness 2.)family problems
And I've been hired today for a job so that happens. I'll try to update more, but no promises ok? Ok.
Peace out dudes.

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