A Robins Sad Song-6-A/N

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~One month later~

         Being with Bruce has made my life a lot easier I'm actually going to school now. I absolutely love it, I mean sure there are bullies but they can't bring me down right now. I met this really nice girl, her name is Barbra. She's the commissioners' daughter.

         Ok off the subject of her, secret time...... I have this huge crush on this person, and I'm pretty sure they don't know that o like them. I won't tell you who though, and She found out who I like uggggggg why does life hate me, I mean other than life is just an ahole who doesn't know when enough is enough.

         Hey Shorty, you day dreaming about your one and only crush. You know the one who you talk to but don't have the balls to ask out. (A/n: I know, I know that's mean but it's meant as a funny. Ok? Ok.) Said the red head who love to tease me.

         Ha-ha Kate, sure I'll ask out my crush when you ask out Bruce. That is Katherine Rebecca Kane aka Kate Kane. The only person who knows who I like; well other than Bruce and Alfred but they seem to know everything. Any who getting back to the subject. I also know who she likes it's Bruce if you didn't read the before. I mean really like thou not just for his money.

       Ha-ha, like he'll ever give up those other women who are most- she started out to day before I interrupt her saying.

       Kate, I know when it comes to you and dating males you have low self-confidence (ok so I don't know a lot about this character but this is my story and I tell it how I want to:) and also this is how I'd react) but you an absolute wonderful person to be around and you are oh so beautiful. You just got to be a little braver. I tell her.

       From the corner of my eye I see Bruce's car pull up. So, I focus on Kate forcing her and Bruce to meet.

       I faintly hear the car door open and Bruce getting out. That is followed by footsteps and Bruce asking:

       Dick who is this beautiful lady your talking to?

       Oh, hi Bruce how are you this is Kate, I met her a while ago while waiting for you to pick me up.

       Well it's nice to meet you I hope Dick has caused to much trouble for you. I know he can get a little hyper.

       Dick is so nice. He and I have the most amazing talks. The only time he was trouble was when we first met but after that I fear I have been more trouble for him Mr. Wayne.

      Please call me Bruce, Mr. Wayne was my father and how did you two meet?

      I interrupt Kate (OMG BRUCE TEACH YOUR CHILD SOME MANNERS) I might have bumped in to her while walking out here; I apologized and that was that, but a couple days later she runs in to me and she keeps doing that for a couple more days until we start talking and that's that.


         SOOOOOOO its been a while. I hope you all are well. I bet your wondering what's going on and why I haven't updated in a while. Long story short; I was not happy on how I was living my life, and who I was in in my Faith. I had to get rid of the problem, so I did I deleted Wattpad and some other apps off my phone. I'm still not where I want to be in God but I'm better enough to try be back here. Just so you know I'm not giving up on this story but you have to give me time and if I disappear (does anyone else start to sing Disappear from DEH?) again; just know I will be back.

~Love Grace

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