Coming Back

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Louise's POV

This new school be honest so does this country and if it wasn't for the friends I had made....well I would go stark raving bonkers.....just when I thought it couldn't get any worse I had some good news at last.

"Your serious dad?"

"Yes....I'm homesick and I know for a fact you are too"

"But what about the job......your amazing at it and all the locals respect you"

"I know and don't get me's great but I haven't made as many friends as you......I get abuse because of my accent and a lot of the officers have commented on feeling as though their jobs have been taken over by a relative newcomer.......not that they would say that to my face"

"So what now?"

"I went to see my section supervisor and told him about my job concerns and how I feel in general"

"And what did they say?"

"Well, basically they would be very sorry to lose me but job satisfaction and happiness is paramount.....there is an opening for a return back to blighty with same money and hours"

"That's when will this all happen"

"I've to sign papers.....attend leaving ceremonies and get the transfer documents but basically they are saying it will take about a week"

"A week......that's fantastic.......don't get me wrong I will miss all the friends I have made but they will understand"


I went back up to my room and began to think about all that had happened....the amount of time that myself and Rose spent talking to each other had diminished as the days first we did as planned and used Skype but that stopped and we sent texts back and forth.....then it was every couple of days which steadily stopped....I had a funny feeling that she had moved on....I didn't blame her, she is an absolute beauty and any girl would feel extra special to be in bed with her.....when the privilege came my way I didn't object and made a lot of the girls I was alone and hadn't moved on because Rose was my life and as luck would have it I would be seeing her again.

I activated the skype video chat on my computer and rang one of my school friends.

"Hi Jane"

" everything ok?"

"Yes.....I am feeling very happy but also very sad"

"So a typical day in the life of Louise Montgomery"

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Come on lust after the only available lesbian in the whole school and when she asks you decline.....shall I go on?"

"No....your right..........I am a strange one"

I was staying loyal to Rose but it didn't mean that I couldn't look...that's what Rose always told me anyway and I have to admit that I did look at this girl and imagine her taking me to pleasures that I had only dreamed of.......unfortunately all my dreams featured Rose and I felt it would be betraying her memory.

"So are you going to tell me Louise?"

"My dad has been approved a transfer back home"

"That's brilliant news.....when do you go?"

"About a week"

"Then I guess we need to all meet and have a going away party"

"That would be brilliant"

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