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I went straight to see the judge and to argue the case in question...the warrant was issued and now I could either wait for Miss Denise Walters to be home or go to the school and see her there....either option was fine with me but now that I had it, I would be able to find out whether she was lying and then take her in for further questioning.

In the end I had decided to go to the school....it was easier to speak with the principal and then Denise and so I started the car and made my way there........At last I saw the school and parked inside.....I walked into the school and went straight to see the secretary.

"Good Morning....I am here to see the principal please"

"Im sorry but she is not here today...can I help?"

"Can you escort me to the office of Denise Walters then?"

"Not your day is it detective...Miss Walters called in sick first thing"

"Did the call come from her home number?"

"Yes it did"

"Thank you"

I left the school and took the car...programmed the satellite navigation and plotted a course to go to the home of Denise Walters....it took virtually minutes to reach her house...I parked the car and walked up to the front door.....it was ajar and so I pushed it open and stepped inside.

"Denise Walters??"

There was no reply....I had a warrant to search her home and now that I was inside then I could carry out my duty....I walked upstairs to the bedroom and what I found was one of confusion.

The bedroom was empty.....I went to the cupboards.....they were empty too....no clothes....the bathroom was empty too and then I realised how bare it had looked downstairs.

It looked like Denise Walters had made a pre-emptive strike and having realised that her lie would be discovered had made plans to avoid it being discovered.

I walked out of the house and locked the door behind me....I then put the car into gear and went straight to the home of Ailsa Fenwick.

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