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I accompanied Jacqueline to the police station....I was hoping that this little snippet of information would prove to be useful.

"Can I help you?"

"I would like to talk with Detective Vanessa Tovey if she is on duty"

"Yes she is....can I ask who wishes to see her?"

"My name is Ailsa Fenwick"

"Just a moment and I will check".

We sat down and waited.....the desk clerk returned with the detective and he crossed to the two of us.

"Hello can I help you?"

I turned to Jacqueline.

"This is my girlfriend Jacqueline....but the information she has relates to a time before she became my girlfriend.....I went for a drink at a coffee house which is near the school"

"That sounds there a reason for this?"

"I went to the coffee house with Denise Walters....she was wearing gloves as usual"

I turned to Jacqueline.

"Tell the detective what you told me"

"Im a waitress at the coffee shop and it was Denise Walters that placed the order.....I noticed her gloves because I was wondering why someone would wear such thick ones on such a hot day"

"Thick gloves?"

"Yes they looked like mittens....made of cotton or maybe wool"

"Well thanks for the information....can I you keep security cameras in your shop?"

"We have one by the door"

"Could it have recorded Miss Walters coming into the shop?"

"Almost about you come back with me and it can be checked"

"Well now that you have given consent we can do that".

I watched as Detective Tovey went back into her office and came back with keys to a car.

"Lets Go"


At the coffee shop it was confirmed by the camera that Denise Walters had walked into the shop and she was wearing gloves....a close up shot confirmed that she had on a pair of thick cotton, more likely woollen gloves....Someone who claimed to wear Nylon Gloves would be unable to wear anything that contained wool or cotton.

"I need to determine why Denise Walters would lie about the composition of the gloves and what I can do to avoid speaking to her again is to request a warrant to search her house.....and her clothes"

"Do you think that she could have had something to do with the scratches on Rose's back?"

"At this stage I cannot make a judgement either way....the warrant and subsequent search will help determine the next step to take"

I tried to think why Denise would have a reason to lie about something so trivial but I planned to conduct a little investigation myself and it would mean speaking to a very old friend who ironically was based at the Polytechnic.....I would also need to do this without the knowledge of Margaret or Rose.

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