Chapter 3: The Bandits

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Lucys Pov:

Now it was time to take on the job against the bandits with Natsu. I still had this bad feeling that something bad was going to happen. That wasn't good because my gut is usually right. 

"So Lucy your a celectial Wizard right? " Natsu said asked weirdly. I forgot to mention this before but since I am a dragonslayer I have an exceede. It is a purple exceed named violet. She isthis beautiful purple color with a white stomach and a tercoise blue crown thing around her head. The crown thing is just a design in her fer she doesn't acually wear a crown. Violet knows that I am a secret Dragonslayer so she just stays high above me so no one can see her.

"uhmm yeah i am a celectial Wizard. You know are you a dragonslayer?" I asked politely. Natsu had this confused look on his face kind of saying 'How-did-she-know?' It was pretty cute.... Wait I can't possibly fall for him that easily now can I?


Natsu's Pov:

I was so confused on how she knew I was a dragonslayer because I can't think of meantioning it to her at any point. so I just asked her in my reply.

" Yeah... i am a dragonslayer how did you know I don't remember telling you?" I asked confused. It seemed to me that she was hiding something. I could sense it but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was.... Oh well I'll find out eventually... Right?


Lucy's Pov: 

"Well I saw you had an Exceede and all dragonslayers have exceedes!" I replied happily "Speaking of which what is yours named?" 

Natsu then replied "This is Happy he is my best friend in this whole entire world." That was cute it reminded me of me and Violet.  "That reminds me..." he trailed off " You seem off it seems like there is something different about you then regular Celectial Wizard I know one named Yukino." 

Oh Crap, I hope Natsu doesn't suspect anything. "I don't know what your talking about" I said flatly hoping he wouldn't suspect a thing. We were walking cause I didn't know about him but I assumed that he got motion sickness because I have it a little bit. Its just not as bad as most other dragon Slayers. 

"Lets take a break i'm getting a little tired and its getting late." I said this mostly just so Violet's wings didn't give out from under her blowing our cover.

"Uh yeah sure did you bring food or anything?" Natsu asked hopefully. I knew violet had some fish i believe .

"No I don't"I started to whistle letting Violet know we are stopping and to drop down three fish for us to eat. (we can communicate by whistling so we can communicate to eachother like when she is getting tired etc.)

Soon after that three fish fell from the sky. "Wow it must be our lucky day!" Natsu and happy yelled excitedly.

 "Yeah i wonder where they came from." I was smirking seeing how happy Natsu and Happy were. 

"I'll cook em!" Natsu said with Happy saying afterwards "Don't cook mine I prefer fish raw."

I couldn't help but chuckle at them they were being hilarious. I then quietly thanked violet.

"What was that Lucy?" Natsu asked "Uhhh what was what?" I said nervously I started to sweat hoping he wouldn't see through me.


Timeskip to Hargeon: Lucy's Pov:

Something seemed off to me in Hargeon, i couldn't tell what what it was thought. I felt the presence of something evil I think it was the bandits. I felt the strong urge to make sure my tattoo to clarify I was royalty was covered. it was on my shoulder blade.

I think that Natsu noticed it too. Which was good I didn't like the feeling that I was going crazy. 

"I think they are this way." I say Truth be told I smelled them this way. I got a confused look from Natsu cause he smelled it to. We snuck up to the scent and found a group of bandits.

"You think we'll find her here?" one of the guards said. I knew exactly who they were looking for. Me. The Princess. My father must have sent them. Natsu must of senced I was worried. 

" Who do you think they are looking for." he asked innocently. 

"The Princess..." I said terrified Natsu just looked at me weirdly. " I can't go" I told Natsu

"Why can't you fight them?" Natsu asked me. I couldn't tell him though. 

"I can't tell you now or here. I'll maybe tell you later if I make it out of here." I didn't know if I was going to be able to go back to the guild if they caught me. "Natsu please go fight them I can't have them see me." I pleaded to him. Natsu agreed and started kicking their butts.He was beat  up pretty badly but it didn't seem to bother him. he just kept going at it. Then without me noticing a guard came up behind me and put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream. He then proceeded to look at my shoulder blades.

" I got her! Stand down." The guard that caught me said. Natsu whipped around and saw me being held up by the guard.


Natsu's pov:

They must have the wrong girl because that's not Lucy Heartfelia that is my partner and he doesn't dare take her from me. 

"Put her down" I yelled angrily What did they think they were doing. I then ran towards them carefully aiming so I didn't hit Lucy. 

"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST" I yelled hitting the guard and freeing Lucy Then I took down the rest of the guards. Lucy is going to have some explaining to do when we leave and are done dealing with these guys. 

"Open gate of the Lion, Loke!" I hear someone say then a guy named Loke appears and starts to fight next to me. We then defeated all of the guards and headed to collect the reward. Loke then disappeared and Lucy had some explaining to do.


Thank you for reading at least this far into the book it really means a lot to me I don't know what to call you so if you could leave some sugestions it would be nice. So far though I am going to call you Minna~ Hope you Like the book so far I am going somewhere for 5 days so I will hopefully update at night if I don't thats why. I will try and update as much as I can in the time being at least. Also tell me if your enjoying the story so far <3 

~ MWellz

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