Chapter 5: The Plan

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Lucy's POV:

" whaa" Violet cried  " There there don't cry. Now do you know what your name is or where your from?" I asked politely and kind.

"No, I just woke up here without any trace of anything but actually I think my name was Violet. Yeah that sounds right." She asked so innocently she was even starting to fool me and I came up with the plan.

"Well how about I get you back to camp and we'll go see my friend and his exceed. Their names are Natsu and Happy! Would you like that, then you can come along with me wherever we go!" I said

"That sounds like a lot of fun can we go see them now? What's your name?" She asks still a bit sniffly.

" oh I'm sorry my name is Lucy!" I answered " we can go back right now." Then I smiled at Violet and she smiled back. I think that our plan worked because I heard the bushes rustle and then I didn't smell Natsu and Happy anymore.

Natsu's POV:

Oh man we better get back to our campsite before Lucy and her new exceed Violet find us not there. What will we say if they find out that me and happy were spying on them.

" come on Happy lets get out of here I whispered. " Aye!" Happy replied to me. We made a little rustling but hopefully Lucy wouldn't know what it was so we went back to camp and wait for Lucy.

They were a little late so happy an I fell asleep.

Lucy's POV:

Ok I admit it we might have gotten a little lost. And it was my fault. But at least me and Violet could catch up a bit. When we got back we found Natsu and Happy sleeping peacefully like they were waiting for us to get home. And ya'know Natsu is kinda cute when he sleepssss....... okay tell me I did not just think that. Turns out I accidentally whistled that to Violet and she started laughing at me and I had no idea what that was about. 

" why don't we hit the hay too." I said to Violet " you can meet them tomorrow." Then I smiled at her and started to drift asleep.


Still Lucy's POV:

I woke up kind of early with Violet beside me. I hugged her and then got up to get breakfast going. Because no one was looking I used my firepower to build a fire. I then cooked a meal for the four of us except happy I just caught him a fish and left it raw because that's how he likes it. Then I cooked some meat for me and Natsu. A lot more for Natsu because he eats a lot. Then for Violet I Nader her the closest I could get to her favorite food, fruit salad. I picked a bunch of berries to make a salad it's not the best but it will have to do. Violet then woke up.

" Violet, can you go and wake up Natsu and Happy. It doesn't matter how you wake them up just do it please. Thank you! <3" I asked her. She walked over to Natsu and happy and pour a bucket of water over them.

" Ahhhh!!!"  I heard Natsu and Happy scream. I stifled my laughter.

"Breakfast is ready!" I called and They were there like a bullet. " i have a uncooked fish for you happy. A ton of meat and other things for Natsu. A little bit of food for me and a fruit salad for Violet." I informed them. Natsu and happy were ecstatic and so was Violet because I made her a fruit salad. We all started to dig into our meals.

~~ • ~~ Time skip because of Ships!! ~~

" Oh by the way. Violet this is Natsu and Happy, Happy and Natsu this is Violet. " I introduced. Even though they've seen each other they were never properly introduced.

" Awesome where did you find Violet Lucy?" Happy asked. He obviously asked so they weren't found out that they were spying on the two of them.

" Oh I found her in the forest yesterday and she didn't know what happened so I took her in." I said happily. Then I squeezed Violet so hard she almost passed out. Almost.


Hai Minna~ how are you all doing. I've been good but I'm starting school soon and I'm bummed. I'm thinking about starting another story. I won't stop updating with this one. Also I feel like the chapters are getting a little shorter this only had 724 words. I'm just a little stuck so that's why it's taking a while longer to update. Also I am on multiple different devices so I guess that just makes it harder for me. Lol. I'm surprised you made it this far. I'm thinking of maybe writing drafts and then posting them up. The next update will be an announcement on the book and other things like that and it will be important. So please read it! Thank you and have a wonderful day!

~ MWellz <3

Disclaimer: Almost everything belongs to Hiro Mashima I just came up with the plot. Thank you!! <3

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