Chapter 4: The Confession (sort of)

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No ones Pov:

After Natsu and Lucy finished the request and were heading heading to the guild they stopped near the entrance to a cave and decided to take a break.

Natsu's Pov:

She has some real explaining to do right about now. We started walking home after our job and I stopped Lucy because she promised me a confession.


Lucy's Pov:

Oh Man I forgot that I told Natsu why i couldn't let them see me. I guess I have no other choice do I. I mean I don't want to lie to him, but on the other hand I don't know if I can trust him. Oh well guess I'll tell him anyway.

"Ok here's the deal I'll tell you why I shouldn't have let them see me but you can't tell ANYONE. Got it?" I asked

"Yeah, yeah I got it. I promise not to tell anyone what you tell me now." Natsu said reluctantly like he wanted to get to the good part faster.

" Well... I ran away from home because my father mistreated me and my mother is dead. She was actually killed by a carriage accident. So I ran away from home. Those guys worked for my father who probably wants me to go home and get married to this random dude." I said. Natsu seemed surprised at first then he gave me an apologetic smile it made me feel really good to get that off my chest. Well most of it at least lets hope he doesn't pick up on the whole princess of Fiore thing.

" one more thing you say your a celestial wizard but I spence a lot more power coming off of you then that. So what type of magic do you really use?" He asked clearly suspicious of me.

"I'm just a celestial wizard but I do have 10 of the 12 zodiac keys." I said matter O' factly. He didn't seem convinced but luckily for me he gave in.

"I'm going to go outside for a bit. Try not to come out and scare me. Okay?" Bats I just replied with a simple ok and I decided to go outside and check on Violet.

I walked around in the forest for a while to try and find Violet. I finally found her and she jumped into my arms. We were catching up until I smelled a familiar sent. I then new I was being stalked I knew exactly by who.

Natsu's POV:

After Lucy left I decided to follow her. I knew I probably shouldn't follow her but I had to know what other magic she used. I wasn't falling go this 'Celestial wizard' stuff. She finally stopped in the forest and met up with this cat. It was at this point I think she noticed me, cause she stopped what she was doing and then started again but a little on edge.

Lucy's POV:

I knew he was there. Nasty was there In the bushes waiting to see what type of magic I used. I came up with a plan then I started whistling to let Violet know the plan. She nodded and we continued talking.


Hey Minna ~
Hope you are having a wonderful day I would have liked to make it longer but I'm on vacation with my family. Also I can't let my phone die because I'm on an island with only generator power to charge our phones and anything else.

Luv you ~

{Disclaimer: I do not own fairy tail Hiro Mashima does not Mwellz}

~ Mwellz

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