Chapter 3

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Jackie slowly walks downstairs, noticing her parents on the couch. "Well what a fucking wake up call this is." She yawned as she made her morning tea. Soon she realized tomorrow is Friday. Getting worked up about Nancy, she hurried up to her room to change into school clothes. Then she realized her eyes weren't orange, they were glowing pink. Her fangs were showing as well. "What the..."

I gasped as I saw wing marks on my back and marks where horns would be. Shaking, I screamed for my mom.

"Mom, help me!!"

Sebastian groaned before realizing Jackie was screaming. He quickly put on his clothes and rushed upstairs.

"Jackie, What's wrong...Oh my..." He gasped.

"Mom...It hurts.." She hugged him closely, crying into his chest. He hugged back closely, rubbing her back trying to calm her down. "What's happening to me.."

"This is natural honey. All demons go through this. Usually at an earlier age, you're just a few years behind sweetie"

"Is everything okay?" Claude asked as he entered the room, "Oh dear... Demon puberty."

"Do you guys have this? This...Whatever it's called" She wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

"Yes we do. It's called your true form. You can't show anyone your true form. At least not yet. You will be in pain for a while" Sebastian explained.

"You should probably stay home, Jackie" Claude suggested, "We'll spoil you till you feel better"

"Thanks Dad.." She curled up on her bed and sighed, wishing Nancy was here. "Hey um...Dad..Can a friend come over tomorrow?"


"Nancy. We've been friends since Kindergarten."

"I don't see why not. Is she human?" I nodded, looking at him nervously,


"Just don't show her your demon features. She might get scared."

"Okay dad..I know"

He chuckled a bit before leaving her room, closing the door behind him. I looked at myself in the mirror. My long violet hair in a mess. I brushed it out then looked in the mirror again...Girly clothes... I took off those clothes and put on more tomboyish clothing. Putting my hair in a ponytail, I grabbed some scissors. Well, here I go. I took a deep breath before cutting the ponytail off. My hair falling onto the floor. I smiled when I brushed it out and fixed it up. My hair is now short and I love it. Finally I am comfortable with myself. 

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