The first day of school

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Alex's POV

its the first day of school I'm starting senior year with my best friend Jordan, he's a soul so he's pretty much cold, we've been bast friends since we were little we've always had each others backs, though he's been acting a little weird lately, weirder than usual.

i have a little brother, Axel , he's 15, were both vampires, he always gets himself in trouble though he's a good guy, I've always protected him and always will, he's the only family i have and if someone messes with him he messes with me.

then there's Scarlett, she's 15, she's a werewolf, she's loud and hyper  sometimes annoying, she mostly just spends her time blabbing about whatever happens around school, i just prefer to ignore her

Jordan is 17 just like me, he's sort of the player type of guy, always hitting on everything that moves,even though he's quite serious when needed

he's always had my back, we met back in the seventh grade, he was just sitting alone in a corner of the class room the first day of school, he was new and i felt bad for him so i went over and asked him what he's name was, when i came over he looked scared as if he thought i was gonna hurt him, i smiled at him and asked him what his name was, "Jordan" he whispered, i just gave him a quick grin and sat down next to him for the rest of the class.

and finally, there's me, what can i say? I'm a vampire i spend most of my time either protecting axel from whatever he's gotten himself into or just trying to maintain our secret


so i got to my first period and saw Jordan sitting on the back of the room,he's been acting weird lately, not talking to me and avoiding me

so i just sat next to him and gave him a warm smile, he just sat back in his chair and looked down to the notebook he had in his hands

"is there something going on?" i said with a questioning tone

he didn't answer he just took his stuff, got up and left headed towards the door, i followed behind, then he just disappeared around the corner, dammit i forgot he was a ghost

i just just headed back to my first class even more confused than i was before.

at lunch scarlett and axel where sitting by the table, he had a "milkshake" on he's hand (that was really just plain blood on a cup.) and scarlett had a stake on her plate, how suprising, i just sat in a chair next to them not listening to what they were saying but rather trying to locate Jordan in sigh.

~ hi guys this is the first chapter comment and vote if you want me to continue,  and the video is for the song i got the name from and the picture on the cover is alex, xoxo  

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