Guys Talk!!

465 10 6

March 5th

Mordecai's P.O.V

We are just about to finish raking dead leaves when Rigby starts babbling. After all the noise happened last night by whatever-it was, I could barely hear him speaking. "Dude, I had the weirdest of the weird dreams last night." He says, slowing down his hand.

"What's it like?" I ask curiously.

Then, he says something about Skips wearing kilt (Rigby addressed it as a 'golf skirt') and ducks? His dream sounds like a kid's.

"After that... that..." He's gone speechless. Hn? I wonder why. 

"You finished, dude?" I sneer, smirking at his face.

His face reddens before continues, "I saw E...Eileen wearing a dress and smiled at me. She looks very...cute. But then, Pops's shrieking out of nowhere woke me up. And all the shiz happened."

What? The noise in the ungodly hour was theirs!? For reels, Rigby! So that's why I couldn't enjoy sleeping during these couple of nights.

"Ugh, Rigby. Why can't you just tell Eileen to get married with you?!"I growl angrily. Oops... maybe I've said stuff too much.

Rigby looks terrified because of my statement. "You... you think I can d-do that?"he stutters anxiously. Now, he looks like he's been standing in the rain because he's sweating badly. Geez! Did I just make a man-to-man talk with him? Why are there so many srupid questions in my head?? 

I try to break up the awkward silence. "Yeah, you should go for it, man. I mean, like, there's no harm for you to tell her. Don't think of it too hard," I say with a lower voice. "Come, let's go get some coffee."

Rigby nods his head slowly and walks without saying anything. On the cart, he's quiet all the way to the coffee shop-- which sounds pretty weird since he was always being the chatty one.

As I stepped off (see what I did there xD) the cart, Rigby grabs my arm. "Mordecai?"

"Yeah?" Both of us stop our feet. "Listen, I might wanna keep this only between us guys. These stuff will change my life! So... I need to make a very big plan firsthand," he says.

This is SO unlike the immature Rigby that I always knew. But hey, this is going somewhere. While smiling, I say,"Hmm, you're really good at this. Honest. But... we're gonna need some help."

"Of course! Let's get peeps together tonight!!" Rigby throws his arms in the air. Heh, it seems like Rigby has read my mind. He always does. We take a breath before saying it together.


Suddenly, Rigby's stomach begs for food. "Sandwiches and coffee?" He asks while rubbing his guts.

"Haha! Alright dude, I'm coming~" I chuckle while texting others about tonight, including Bubblegummy Benson. Whoa, what is wrong with me? Nicknaming my own boss.

- Guys Night, anyone? - Sent!
Muscleman: - Cool! Why not?! -
Fives: - I'll bring pizza -
Pops: - Oooh! Count me in~ ☆ -
Skips: - Will come after watering plants -
Benson: - Finally, I'm invited to fun *laughs* -
- Good! It's on -

End of Part 4

A/N: My bday's just around the corner guys!! This Aug 11th I'm having my sweet 15... that's full of exam stuff, ha... Any Mordecai x Benson fans here?



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