Chapter 1 - Victor

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AN: Just to let u guys know... nothing big really happens in this chapter, cuz I just wanted you guys n' girls get to know the main character's life and stuff. Anyways, enjoy!! :-P :-D

PS. Please vote and comment!! I would really appreciate it!

"Victor Skye!", Mrs. Vandenhoff yelled. "Why are you always dreaming! Are you even hearing me right now!", she continued, stomping towards Victor's desk.

Victor snapped out of it, embarrassed. Everyone stared at him and some were even giggling. He turned red like a tomato, but he couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry Ma'am," he decided to say, while twirling a piece of his dark brown hair in his fingers. It was all he could do.

He hates History, it's such a boring subject. Is it really that important to learn about the past? He'd much rather be able to tell the future. What might happen. Imagine that!

He'd always end up daydreaming in this class, not only because of the subject, but also because of the teacher. Her voice is always so boring. Victor's friend, Max, on the other hand, finds History interesting. Perhaps it's just because he likes the subject, despite the dragon of a teacher who teaches it!

"This has to stop!", Mrs. Vandenhoff shouted, for the millionth time this year.

Sometimes Victor feels sorry for her, so he still showed respect and said, "I'll try to concentrate Ma'am, I'm sorry."

"You'd better try harder! You are skating on thin ice... very, very thin ice young man!"

Victor couldn't wait for grade 10, so that he could just choose his subjects already! Luckily he would be in grade 10 the next year, because thankfully he does pass, so that's not much of a problem.


Victor slowly got out of his chair and packed his books into his bag. He already had his Maths book for the next class.

Ughhhhhh Maths, why Maths!... Victor thought. Usually he wouldn't actually mind Maths class, but today he felt so exhausted and he just wanted to go home. The day couldn't go by fast enough...

In every class, Victor just sat there and half listened to the teacher while watching the hours tick by. The day felt so long, and when he got home, he just dragged himself to his room, threw his bag down and jumped onto his bed. He was so happy to be home and lie on his bed that he wished he could just freeze the moment...

That was when his mom shouted, "Victor Skye! Come here right now!"

Victor sighed. "Yes mom, I'm coming!"

He sat up slowly and walked towards where he heard his mom's voice. It felt like billions of light years away until he got to the kitchen...

"Yes mom?", Victor mumbled. For a second he felt like he was going to faint and he just wanted to run up to his room and jump back onto his bed.

"Mrs. Vandenhoff told me what happened," she said, before smirking and giving Victor that yeah, don't think I don't know what's going on in your life look.

"I'm sorry mom. I was just very exhausted and I don't actually like history,"

"Sometimes I tend to zone out a little..."

"Okay well try to focus alright?", his mom replied. "This can't keep happening."

"I'll try mom,"

Victor couldn't help letting out a grin, happy the conversation went well.

His mom, Angelica Skye, is that kind of parent who sometimes gets cross and stern, but can also be very loving and kind. Sometimes Victor doesn't even know if his mom will get angry or not in some situations.

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