Chapter 8 - Who Is Victor? And Who Is The Fisherman?

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Blehleleh. Oh! You're here!

AN: Hey everyone! 😂😂 I'm like sooooo excited! I'm finally getting to the exciting stuff! (Yah man, it took you long enough!)

Anyway, so I actually wanted to write more... and tbh, I thought, in the beginning, that all of it together (with more stuff that I wanted to write) wasn't going to be enough to for one chapter! Turns out, it would've been too many words! (well, much more than usual)

Once again, please vote and comment! And I seriously don't wanna be annoying, but please just let me know if you've helped in any way to increase the amount of reads on my book! (even if you hardly read my book, you've still increased the number of reads!) Just comment to let me know "Oh, okay, Piet Poggenpoel has checked out my book" 😂😂😂...

Even though I haven't reached my goal of 145 reads, I'm going to tell you what's my next one! 160! I don't think I'm going to reach that quickly, but I think it's a good goal, right?

And thanks to everyone who has voted and all! Oh yes! And once again, Happy New Year!

So that's it, keep readin'!

Victor had gone to school for two more days. Tuesday and Wednesday. It felt like forever since his vision of the fisherman, because he'd been itching to go see him. But the week had been quite busy. It was already Thursday and he hadn't found the time to see the fisherman yet. He still couldn't believe that the fisherman is the man who would be able to help him.

Victor had been avoiding Max except for breaks, and the breaks had been awkward so far, which he was sad about. He didn't want their friendship to break down after so much they've experienced together, but he couldn't really tell Max about what's been going on with him. Not just yet. He would tell Max sooner or later, but he still needed some time to take it all in, go and see the Fisherman to get some answers, and from there he'll see.

Everyone else in school avoided him and acted awkward around him. They'd obviously found out about the accident. Even Clyde was avoiding the two of them all the time. He and his friends were clearly still scared of him.

Victor felt so alone, which made him more desperate to see the fisherman to explain every supernatural thing that has been driving him crazy.


First break had already passed, and Victor started to think that another day was about to pass without Clyde bothering him. He was happy and unhappy. It was nice not to be bothered by him, but Victor didn't want the reason to be because they were scared of him.

It was nice to not be the victim for once, but now that Victor experienced being in Clyde's position, it wasn't as fun as he thought it would be. Funnily enough, it also made him feel more alone than he would if Clyde was bothering him.

The last thing he could turn to was the fisherman. It would drive him insane if he didn't know the fisherman was there to help him.

Soon, the bell rang for second break and it was going to be another awkward time with Max.

They just walked around the school together and ate some of their left-over food. They hardly even talked.

Eventually, Max broke the silence that had been sticking around for days.

"So, are you going to tell me what's going o-?", but he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey Vicky."

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