Chapter 2 - Clyde

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AN: If u guys didn't vote the previous chapter, pleeeeeeeez vote it XD. Anyways, please don't be shy to comment, especially if you want to give me advice on how to improve!! Or just to say hi! ;-P

This chapter is a little more exciting and mysterious than the previous chapter...

Victor was swimming at the beach with Max and they were having so much fun. They laughed playfully while they splashed each other with water. Max started throwing muddy balls of sand at Victor and Victor decided he would dodge them by dunking himself underwater, which served him another purpose by washing the sand off that had already been thrown at him.

As he got out of the water, Max just missed him by an inch and he could feel the excess sand spraying onto his face while he heard a thud, which he realized was the sand ball hitting the water. Victor dived underwater, grabbed a handful of sand and swam towards the surface to throw it at Max. He threw it. It hit Max's face.

"Oooohh," Victor laughed. Max turned his head and shouted, "Hey!", before giggling playfully.

Suddenly Victor was pulled underneath the surface by a strong force. He started to panic as he realized he was being pulled further and further into the deep, dark void of the ocean...

Victor woke up with a start. He quickly looked around him, half thinking he was still being pulled underwater. He noticed that he was sweating. As he took in his surroundings, he realized it was all just a dream. A very bad dream. It seemed so vivid, Victor thought, confused.

Just as he was about to lie down and go back to sleep, his phone lit up and his alarm went off. Ummmm, okay?... He thought. What a coincidence!

Victor has to leave at about 7:30 to get to school before 8:00, so his alarm only has to go off at 6:30, but Victor sets it to go off at 6:00. It takes his mom about 15 minutes to get to his school by car. His mom takes him to school most of the time, because her restaurant is close. In some cases, Bessie takes him, but not very often. His dad almost never takes him to school, because he goes to work in their other car afterwards.

Victor decided to get up immediately, because he wanted to be up and about and at least try to enjoy the day. After all, it was Friday! He went for a shower and only then did he realize that he'd slept in his civvies that he'd worn at school the previous day. Afterwards, he brushed his teeth and as he looked up into the mirror after spitting into the basin, he thought he saw his eyes start to fade into more of a purple colour...

What?... Victor thought. As he blinked once more, his eyes were blue again. Weird. Must've been a trick of the light or something, he thought to himself.

Victor went to dress into new clothes and he didn't really care what he wore. He just grabbed random clothes that would look fine together and dressed into them. Then he remembered that he was probably going to Max's house to sleep over, so he packed some pajamas, underwear, a toothbrush and some toothpaste. He brushed his hair, stroked some gel into it, grabbed his bag and went downstairs to eat breakfast and drink some juice.

After he was finished, Bessie came to the kitchen and started to make breakfast for herself.

"Hello Bessie!", Victor shouted. He actually really enjoys her company. She is a plump black woman with a wonderful laughing personality.

Bessie jumped like a person who was just bitten by a snake. Her long black hair extensions flew around as she turned around to look at whatever gave her a fright. Victor's blue eyes met her surprised dark brown eyes as soon as she'd turned around.

"Victor man!", she yelled. "You gave me big fright!"

They both laughed together. "Hello my bokkie," she said.

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