Chapter 4 - The Mystery

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I guess you're interested enough to keep reading! Awesome! You're so awesome! (Idk maybe you're just bored and you don't know what else to do and maybe you don't even know what's going on, that's how bored you are and therefore maybe you aren't even understanding this or like reading this.)

AN: Thank you all so much for 51 reads! What?! I wanted 35 and it ended up being 51! Aiming for... 60! Please help me make it happen!

Thanks for the votes as well! Talking about votes, please vote the previous chapter and this one! Anyway, please comment as well, especially if it's critique! I like to know what you guys think!

This chapter is a little bit more boring than the previous one, but it's important! I wanted to actually make this chapter focus on something else, but I guess that's the next chapter! This chapter ended up being enough words for one chapter and the ending is a nice one...

Victor woke up slowly, only to notice that he was in a hospital bed, connected to machines. He could hear the faint sound of a heart monitor beeping, indicating a heart beat.

Then Victor realized.

"I'm alive? I'm alive!", he yelled, laughing excitedly. "I'm alive!", he repeated, jumping up and down quickly. He must've looked crazy.

"Yes, you are, now just calm down and get back into bed," a voice said and Victor realized that it was the doctor strolling in. "You still need some rest," he explained.

"But I feel fine!", Victor exclaimed. He groaned, climbing back into the bed. "Fine," he sighed.

After a long, deafening silence, Victor suddenly asked, "How long was I asleep?"

"Only overnight, the night's actually not over yet," the doctor answered, looking at his watch. "It's only 3:50."

"So you were awake the whole time?!", Victor shouted.

"No, but I've been here the whole time," the doctor stated. "Your parents and friend's parents begged me."

"Where are they?"

"They're at their homes," the doctor replied. "They wanted to stay, but I forced them to go."

"It's truly a miracle that you are alive," the doctor said. "And most of all, that the fisherman found you in that cave."

"According to your friend, you should be at the bottom of the ocean, drowned," he continued. "Or at least on the shore somewhere, drowned."

"It's a mystery that you even ended up in that cave," he said. "The water almost never reaches that far. And from where your friend was, he would've noticed a huge change in the shoreline."

"It's also, of course, a miracle that you had only blacked out, not drowned."

"Oh well... At least you're here now, that's all that matters," the doctor finished.

Victor started to remember everything as pictures were flashing by in his head. He remembered that he was underwater, drowning. Then falling down in the air, clouds zooming past. He then caught something, and he felt a small surge of energy. And he blacked out with one wish... to be on solid ground, alive...

"Did you say, cave?", Victor asked, curiously. He was so confused. How could he have landed in a cave? And how did he survive the fall?

"Yep," the doctor said, matter-of-factly.

"Where?", Victor asked him.

"At those big rocks at the beach," the doctor answered. "It's the only cave there."

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