Chapter 3

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The Dining Hall was her favourite so far, Rose decided, as she stepped into the large stateroom. Wooden panelling gleamed in the light of the chandeliers, suspended from the vaulted ceilings. Portraits in gilded frames hung at intervals around the room, and the long rows of wooden tables, shrouded in pristine white fabric and dotted with candles, added to the effect.

"It's like Hogwarts," Ben declared as he followed her in, his gown already askew. "Look, it's even got a high table."

Rose looked up as she slid into her chair, and promptly wished she hadn't. The Professor was already seated, looking ridiculously handsome in black suit and tie, his hair tamed back. His eyes were on the menu he held in his hand but, as Rose watched, her heart thudding in her chest, his gaze lifted to hers. Blood rushed in her ears, every part of her on high alert, but he looked away again. She looked down at her plate.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked, concerned. "You've been weird all day..."

Rose lifted her gaze, smiling thinly. "I'm fine," she said. "Just... thought I saw somebody is all." She resisted the urge to look up at the head table again.

"Who?" asked Ana, seated opposite.

"My new Professor," Rose said, carefully, nodding thanks to the man pouring water into a crystal glass in front of her.

"Professor Howard?"

Rose raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"He's hot," Ana shrugged, unabashed, and Rose huffed a laugh.

"Who did you think he was?" prompted Ben.

Rose waited until the server had left before muttering, quietly, "Christian." She bit her lip, waiting as Ben's face moved from confusion to understanding.

"Christian?" he exclaimed, causing the people around them to look at him curiously. "You mean – Your Christian?" he confirmed, glancing over his shoulder at the high table as he lowered his voice. He laughed as she nodded meekly. "That's what he looked like?" he raised his eyebrows, before frowning in mock consternation. "No wonder you dumped me," he sighed dramatically.

Rose laughed in spite of herself. "Don't be stupid," she teased, her thoughts diverted for the moment. "I dumped you because you were a terrible kisser." She thought back fondly to the day they'd considered moving their friendship forward – and the uncomfortable kiss that had followed – as she reached for her water glass.

"That's because kissing you was like kissing my sister," he exclaimed, shuddering in mock horror. They laughed at Ana's stunned expression.

"We were fourteen," explained Rose, taking a sip. "It lasted a whole afternoon."

Ana shook her head at the pair of them.

"So who's Christian?" she asked as the servers came back round – offering wine this time.

Ben looked to Rose, who nodded, giving him permission to explain.

"He was Rose's friend," he grinned at the memory. "Her Guardian angel."

Ana choked on her water.

"He wasn't real," he clarified, bemused. "Imaginary. You know," he shrugged, "Kids' stuff."

"Why?" Ana asked, glancing at Rose. "I mean, why did you... create him?"

Rose twirled a strand of hair between her fingers as she thought of how to explain. "Do you remember what I told you," she eventually began, "about the car accident?"

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