Chapter 4

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Rose sipped her bright green cocktail, fiddling with the little black straw. She'd been quick to agree when a couple of girls had approached her at the end of the lecture, asking if she would like to join them for a celebratory drink, having completed their first class. Rose had invited Ana, and they'd headed to one of Cambridge's trendier cocktail bars, its red and black decor a moody setting for the girls cheery chatter.

Louise, a pretty redhead with a wide smile and delicate, pointed features, turned to Rose.

"And you," she accused, merrily, "only go and bag the hottest guy there!"

Ana turned to regard her. "Tell me everything," she demanded, swirling the ice in her glass before taking a sip.

"His name is Nate. Nathaniel," Louise exaggerated his name, drawing out the syllables. She pulled out her phone, flicking through it. "I took his photo," she admitted bashfully.

"Cute," Ana commented, as the picture passed her way. She grinned approvingly as she handed it over to Rose, who took a look.

The picture showed Nate leaning over to her, one arm on the back of her chair. Louise had captured the smile in his eyes, the blush in her cheeks. They looked cosy, intimate. Like close friends, rather than almost strangers.

Ana caught her eye and Rose felt heat warm her cheeks.

"Oh, she's blushing," Ana crowed, utterly delighted. "It must be love."

"He couldn't keep his eyes off her." Louise shot Rose an envious look. "Lucky thing."

Rose passed the mobile to Toni, a girl with a full mouth and warm, chestnut-coloured skin. She declined the device as it was held out to her, with a roll of her wide doe eyes.

"Not really my type," she drawled, waving it away with a dismissive flick. "Now Professor Howard, on the other hand," she grinned, "that's a man."

Louise reached for the phone, changing the picture to show the professor, instead. His sleeves were rolled to the elbow, revealing generous forearms raised in animated description. The blue of his eyes and the gleam of his hair shone brighter under the fluorescents. Rose had to look away.

The girls continued to banter, arguing over who was better-looking, as she sipped her cocktail thoughtfully.

It hadn't been as bad as she'd imagined. The professor was a good teacher, engaging and engrossing. Rose had enjoyed listening to him talk as she'd made copious notes on her laptop. It was only when she looked up, catching a glimpse of the familiar features, that she'd stumbled. Only when his gaze touched hers as they swept across the room.

It would get easier, she reasoned, as she got used to him. The memories would fade again. She was resolving to try harder when Toni elbowed her, breaking her out of her reverie.

"What do you think?" she asked, waving the picture at her. "Don't you think he's just perfect?"

Rose smiled, even as the sight of him filled her veins with wistful longing once more. "He is gorgeous," she admitted, smiling a little as she added, "Divine."

Ana choked on her drink, shooting Rose a wicked look. She reached out to touch Rose's arm in surreptitious understanding, and Rose was grateful.

"Right," Ana stood. "My round – what are you drinking?"

The girls placed their orders, and conversation turned to the more mundane; classes, reading, and facilities – leaving Nathaniel and the Professor behind.

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