Chapter 5

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"Okay, we're done for now," Professor Howard called, signalling the end of the lecture. Rose stood and stretched, packing up her laptop with a sense of relief; she'd been able to follow along much better today.

She smiled at the professor as she made her way down the stairs, noticing the way his gaze dropped to the books in her arms. He smiled back, eyes crinkling in warmth. It rushed through her, lighting her up, but he abruptly turned away, already smiling at others, and the glow faded. Shaking her head, she pushed open the door to leave, willing herself to not look back.

To her surprise, Ben was waiting for her.

"Hey you." He reached out to help as she shoved her books into her bag. "Fancy some lunch? I finished early and I think Ana has a break too."

"Sure," Rose smiled, stepping aside as other students left the lecture hall. They walked across campus to meet Ana, chatting idly about their morning's lectures as they went.

Ana was just leaving her class as they reached it, waving goodbye to a group of girls. "Hey," she greeted, patting Ben on the head. He'd stopped to tie up his bright yellow trainers. Ben grinned, and Rose saw him blush as he returned to his task.

"So how come you were hanging with Professor Christian last night?" Ana wasted no time in asking, poking Rose in the side as they walked.

"What?" asked Ben, catching their conversation as he caught up.

"I caught him saying good night at the door," Ana grinned.

Rose squirmed as Ben looked over in astonishment. "I bumped into him in the library," she explained, rolling her eyes. "He helped me choose some books for class and walked me back." She narrowed her eyes at Ana. "That's all."

"Fast work," Ben chuckled as Rose glared at him. "I didn't know you had it in you."

She huffed good-naturedly, spotting Nate up ahead, the centre of a group of boys. He leaned against a wall, dressed all in black today; the ever present jacket looped over his arm.

"Morning Rose," he called as they reached him. He pushed off the wall, waving absently to his friends as she stopped to greet him. "Looking good."

"You know," she greeted with a smile, "it's generally custom that you attend the lectures for the course you've chosen."

"Is that so?" Nate gasped, feigning innocence. "Thank goodness you told me – I would have never guessed." He offered his elbow for her to take, all chivalry and charm, and she looped her arm through.

"So, what did I miss?" he asked, as he led her away from his friends, "Other than the company of course." He threw her a wink.

"Not much actually," she admitted. "We're getting to grips with Paradise Lost." she shrugged.

"How thrilling."

"It's interesting," she insisted. "It's beginning to make sense, so –"

"I'm surplus to requirements?" he teased.

Rose grinned. "Only if you don't show up."

He sighed good-naturedly as she pulled him over to her waiting friends.

"Nate, meet my best-friend, Ben," she introduced. Ben took Nate's outstretched hand, shaking it firmly. "And this is my new neighbour, Ana."

Nate smiled, hand raised, but Ana ignored it, staring at Nate in surprise.

"Nate is in my class," she added, shooting Nate an apologetic glance. He smiled back easily, not seeming to notice.

"What are you up to?" he asked.

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