Oneshot: Gamers Gonna Game

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Before you start reading, this song is my life right now. I BELIEVE IN STEVE! Anyways, onwards with ze story!

"DOCTOR? YOU READY?" I screamed towards the door, already starting the computer. The TARDIS had an Internet connection, no joke. Crazy right? When the Doctor told me that, I immediately asked if I could pick up some stuff. And to his utter suprise, I brought my computer. I can't live without video games. The Doctor constantly asked what I was playing, but never played himself.

But I finally got him to play just one game with me: Undertale. I had a hard time deciding between that and Overwatch, but since the Doctor didn't like violence, Undertale would be more fitting. (Prepare for some puns... huehuehue)

The Doctor entered the room with a fez on his head and a red bowtie. " Are you seriously going to wear that all day?" I asked him, adjusting my own "Justice rains from above" cap. "You always wear some kind of hat when you play, so I thought it would be fitting to wear a fez. Fezzes are cool." My eyes did an airon roll in their sockets, and I clicked on the pixelated red heart. The little window appeared and I pressed F4 so the game would go fullscreen. "Take a seat, Doctor. But don't touch the Doritos or the Mountain Dew, we'll need that later." Some familiar music started playing as I pressed buttons to adjust some settings. "Wow, this looks old. I thought graphics were better in 2016." I looked at him. "Welcome to indie games, where looks don't matter. This game is all about them emotions. This almost made me cry, and you know I'm not an easy crier when it comes to video games and movies." (If you are, then pretend you aren't.)

I explained the controls to him, and he pressed START.


"So what's gonna be your name?" I asked him. "You know I'm not good with names..." He hesitated. " Just pick whatever pops into your mind. It really doesn't matter that much, only certain names used within the game have an impact on the story." He gave me a wicked grin and slowly typed in: "Fezzy McBowtie" I gave him a death glare, but he kept smiling. "Okay then... This is going to be a long day." I sighed.

Timeskip brought to you by Nice cream! The frozen treat to warm your heart!

"Why does that flower want to kill me? What do I do wrong?" I had no time to react, because Toriel came and kicked his flower ass. "Okay, what is going on here?" The Doctor was clearly confused, not knowing whether to trust Goat Mama or not.

He had called Sans a: "funny collection of bones", insulted Papyrus' spaghetti and compared Undyne to the Silurian. What a day. We stopped at 8 PM TARDIS time, after 5 hours of gaming.

"Not that bad, not that bad. I guess graphics don't really matter..."

Mayyyyybe just maybe I'll do part 2 in 2017 😂😂😂

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