"A strange warning"

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It seemed that everyone was in need of resting. Even though it has passed to the next day, the turtles were more ready to be playing more videos games, and spend time with their sensei. It has been so long. They were finally happy.
It was morning, and they were cooking them some breakfast as their master was still asleep. Believe it or not, Splinter usually slept longer than the turtles.
Splinter rest in the dojo as he let his mind escape to be in his favorite place: the dream world.
This world was filled with beauty, and light. Splinter loved coming here whenever he would meditate or sleep. As always, the dream world looked simply beautiful to the rat's eyes. Though, something was odd to Splinter.
As he looked at this beautiful world, a shining light hit his eyes making him cover them before going blind. Once the light had settled down for Splinter to see, he was greeted by a face, a human, almost to be like a spirit. He looked up to the white soul of a human and bowed to him. "Greeting Chung." He said with his voice echoing. "It has been a long time old friend."
"Yoshi," the voice of the man says towards to the rat. "You must escape the dream world immediately. You and your family are in great danger."
Splinter's eyes grew wide as he looked at the man, and his jaw nearly fell when the word 'danger', was spoken. "What danger Chung?"
"He's returning Yoshi." He said echoing louder than Splinter. "You must escape, save your family."
"From who?" Asked the rat.
Suddenly, a bolt of red lightning dash towards the man in spirit. He was shaking non-stop from the tingling and terrible feeling he was receiving. His eyes were rolling in the back of his head turning white, and his voice croaked loudly.
"Chung!" Splinter towards the spirit as fast as he could.
Evil laughter echoed through the world known of dreams, Splinter's heart was racing as he ran and ran. As he was finally close enough to help his friend, he found himself back in his dojo. He was lifted up still sitting, and his arm was sticking out as if he was trying to grab something. He was awaken, and was worried.
He panted slowly as his heart was almost leaping out of his throat, and groaned as his head wince a small package of pain. He rubbed his nose and stood up on his feet looking at his tree that was across from him. "Perhaps a dream." He spoke to himself as he looked at the tree. "I haven't spoken to Chung in so long, and this war with the triceratons, and Oroku Saki, have really paralyzed me with fear."
He only hoped it wasn't real.
Meanwhile, the turtles were still cooking their breakfast, but as for Mikey, he and their mutant pet, ice cream kitty, were playing some video games off their TV. It was their favorite driving game, and ice cream kitty was the master at the game. "Go left!" Screamed Mikey as he pointed to the screen. "The evil demons are coming your way!"
Ice cream kitty meowed in joy towards her favorite owner and continued to play by smashing the demon kart to the side. She won first place.
"Aw yeah!" Mikey cheered for his pet. "You did it! And he award goes to-"
"Mikey!" Shouted his brother Raphael from a far distance. "We could use your help! You made this mess!"
"Okay I'm coming!" Mikey rolled his eyes as he climbed off the couch and entered the kitchen.
As he entered, he saw the entire kitchen filled with exploding and splattered food on the walls, some toast burned, and some actual orange juice dripping on the floor. It was a mess as his brothers were trying to fix it, and obviously what they were doing wasn't making much of a difference. "Whoa." He said looking at the walls mostly. "You guys made a big mess."
"Yeah. No kidding." Donnie said as he bended over to pick up their toaster. When he did, the ringer from the toaster rang and a burning piece of bread smashed against Donnie's nose making him fall backwards.
Mikey laughed at his brother from the silly incident and gave him a hand by lifting him up. "Looks like you got burned from da toast bro!"
"Enough fooling around Mikey." Said Leo as he grabbed their broomstick and began to sweep the floor. "We have to clean this up before master Splinter finds it."
"And what would I be finding Leonardo?"
The turtles jumped at the sudden voice of their sensei, and threw everything in the air. Burnt eggs fell on Raph's head, the toaster smashed Donnie's foot, and Leo let his cold pancake batter fell onto master Splinter's forehead.
Mikey bursted into laughter with the sight of his master being covered in pancake batter was enthusiastic. His older brothers tried to make him silent, but nothing really worked. Mikey's laughing had calmed down as he felt e couldn't laugh anymore. But since the pancake batter was not solid, it slipped slowly off of Splinter's head, falling onto the floor making a big splat of a mess. This grew Mikey's laughter to build once again and had tears in his eyes.
"Mikey!" The three turtles shouted towards their laughing youngest.
"Enough!" The sound of Splinter's voice and his cane being smashed into the floor made the turtles stand straight, almost to be military soldiers.
Their sensei's smirk grew as he looked at his sons. That didn't look like a good face. "So, return home and already you all asked for it?"
"Oh no, what is it sensei?" Raph asked as he looked at the rat with worry.
"Well, since you all have made a mess, you will have to clean it up, after training!"
They groaned together. Already they were exhausted from making breakfast into a total disaster, and now they have to train, and then clean it up? Obviously to them this was a bad start to spend time with Splinter. But at least their old training is in order as it used to be.
They each followed him into the dojo and began.
Already they started off with two fights for two different turtles. Leo was against Raph, and Mikey was against Donnie. Splinter watched his sons as they trained with their weapons. He could see in their eyes, they were exhausted. The breakfast disaster couldn't be affecting them, would it?
That dream Splinter had, with the man in spirit, made him wondered if this was just the beginning. Did something haunt his sons in their dreams? What danger could they be in?
His thoughts escaped until he saw the battle was passed to Leo and Donnie. Who knew thinking could make you past time? Then he decided to stop the training.
"Ya me!" He said stopping his two sons.
They each looked at their master a bit puzzled. "Aw man." Leo smirked with Donnie, making a joke. "And I was about to give Donnie an easy warm up."
"My sons," Splinter said as he walked past Leo to make face his family photo. He did not turned to his sons, and only stared down with his eyes closed. "You promise to tell me the true?"
The turtles looked at each other, waiting for an answer. Obvious no one knew what he was talking about, so Leo turned back and said, "Sure master Splinter. What is it?"
"Well my sons, did-"
"I so did not eat the last cheesesicle sensei!" Mikey spoke immediately before Splinter could finished.
Splinter looked back at his youngest to only find him with an awkward smile for what he did. Whistling then escaped his lips so he would look innocent. He sighed and continued, "Did you all have strange dreams once we came home?"
This was very odd to them. Why would their master ask about their dreams? "Um...." Leo felt no words. What exactly is he suppose to say? "Not really sensei."
"Are you sure? But even the slightest of unusual happened in your sleep?" He said finally looking at them. "You each look exhausted, and it couldn't have been what happened in the kitchen my sons."
They took another glance to each other and then back at Splinter. By then, a hand raised in the air. "Um, actually," said Donatello. "If you count April become evil and wanting to melt my brain, then I guess that's one."
"You were dreaming about April?" Raph asked with a smirk. Then he chuckled and whispered to Leo, "Figures."
"It did keep me awake, but not too badly sensei."
Splinter began to play with his beard as he tried to fit his pieces to his puzzle.
"Actually sensei," Mikey said raising his hand as well. "I did dream that pizza came to eat me and you guys were zombies, and that it was the cause of mutagen-"
"That was a long time ago genius." Raph reminded him.
"Yes," Splinter said. "But even if it was in the past, any usual dream can haunt a soul forever."
"What exactly does this have to do with anything sensei? What's going on?" Asked Leo.
Splinter looked at his sons one last time, and began to see something. They weren't teenagers anymore. They were children. That's when he realized his decision.
"It is.... Nothing Leonardo." He responded. "It just what you call a "random" question. That is all for today, no need to clean the kitchen my sons."
This was getting weirder and weirder to the turtles. "Um, you sure sensei?" Donnie asked to be sure.
"Positive my sons. I must meditate right now."
"But you-"
"Well, race you guys to the TV!" Raph said immediately running out of the dojo. Mikey was a few seconds behind his oldest trying to race. Donnie only followed by walking with him. Leo followed as well, but looked back at his master as Splinter stood and stared at the picture of what he was before. This wasn't like Splinter. Something was definitely wrong.
As he heard his son finally leave, master Splinter walked towards the middle of the dojo, and sat down, beginning his meditation.
"Warning or not," he thought to himself. "I am going to see what is happening, before it enters into my sons."
Then he entered back to where he started. The dream world...

To be continued...

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