"Hurt by words"

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A/N: wow I really screwed up on the last chapter. I misspelled so many freaking words! I'm so sorry XD I also forgot to say, I messed up on her name definition. It actually means "goddess of love", but I accidentally put beauty. I apologize if the last chapter was confusing on some parts. For now, we'll call Mei, Venus instead, and we're back on track. Please enjoy

".. and then I woke up finding out Pizza Face was nothing but a terrible dream."
"How very absorbent Michelangelo." Venus said towards the orange mask turtle. "Sounds like a nightmare."
The turtles were remaining in the lair in the living room eating a giant box of pizza Mikey had ordered. They felt in order to make themselves feel a bit better with Venus around, they felt the need to know her. It was easy to see her not so heavy with the brown sag over her. Explaining a small story with what they went through was what they did, mostly Mikey.  Pizza was definitely one way, and she absolutely loves it!
The turtles began to feel better with the fact she's still there. Raph seemed to be the only one not letting down his guard. He barley said a word to her or the turtles. He only say there in silent and ate his pizza. His brothers, on the other hand, were laughing and having a blast with her, like she was part of the family.
"It amazes me, that your master came to New York wanting a new leaf with your four," she said with a smile. "and here he is as a mutant rat watching you four."
"We're just surprised he was able to handle us for 15 years." Donnie chuckled as he held his pizza.
Leo smiled and then looked at the female turtle. "So Venus," he says getting her attention. "How exactly did you become a mutant turtle?"
She smiled towards the blue eyed turtle and turned towards the other two. She said, "Well, it's a long story, kinda like you four, but is very different. I was a young baby turtle, who was living in the zoo of China.."
"There's a zoo in China?" Mikey said. "Awesome!"
"Indeed." She giggled. "I didn't really know the other turtles too well, nor animals, but everyday, I was always greeted by my favorite worker of the zoo, Chung. He would feed me everyday, take care of me, even bath me. The other workers barley did a thing. One late night, he stayed for he was trying to help me get settle into a little playground they settled for me. But then these strange men came up to him, speaking this really strange language. I wasn't too sure what they were talking about, but I could tell there was a lot of yelling involved. He began to fight them for they wouldn't listen, and once they fought for he won, some strange ooze fell on me. Before we knew it, I was in the form of a mutant."
"This one of the guys?" Donnie stopped her showing a picture of a Kraang droid in disguise.
Venus's eyes grew wide seeing the picture and nodded. "That's him, only there was more of him."
"Even in China the Kraang were there?" Leo looked to the floor to try and think. "That's fishy."
"Chung knew human's would panic if they saw me." She continued. "So he took me to his home and tried to find answer of how to change me, perhaps even get me to a new home. But eventually, he said he saw there was luck inside of me, and decided to raise me as his own."
Mikey's jaw fell a bit, as he said, "Wow, that sounds rough."
"But at least you grew into a nice home with him." Leo said trying to make Venus smile a bit. "How did he manage to keep you hidden?"
"He would usually keep the curtains closed when we started out small. He wasn't exactly a rich man. But as a child, I would always be the slightest curious and take a peek. One day, one human saw me, so he felt he had to be rid of some windows in order for me to remain safe."
"Sounds a bit depressing to me."
"Raph, chill." Leo spoke to his brother with a serious look.
All the red mask turtle do was rolled his eyes and look away.
Venus looked down to the floor and sighed. "I just wish I could have saved him. Seeing him die is the worst experience I went through."
Mikey grew the eyes of a sad puppy and began to whimper. "Awww..." He said.
Venus then took a deep breath, and smiled again as she looked towards them. "But hopefully this time I will do it right with your sensei."
"How do we do that exactly Venus?" Leo asked.
"Well, it's pretty easy, depending on your four. You have to let your thoughts drift off when you're asleep. Some can't do that, some can. The most I can do to get you there is to catch you and your thoughts."
"Sounds fun!" Donnie chuckled.
"Sounds stupid." Said Raph. "I'll pass."
Mikey then looked towards his brother, and said, "Come on Raph! Master Splinter needs us so we can stop the reptile master!"
"Actually, Dragon Lord is his name." Venus reminded him.
"Yes! That guy! Reptile Lord, Dragon Master..... Wait."
Leo immediately stood up and said, "Um, Venus, could you give us a minute please?"
"Of course." She said nodding her head with a smile.
Leo then turned towards his brothers and nodded towards where the kitchen was. As he head his way towards it, his brothers were only seconds behind him. Raph only growled and stomped inside standing between Mikey and Donnie.
Once they were in, Leo turn his head to Raph and ask, "Raph, out of all the times you have been mr. Grumpy turtle, why do you choose today?"
"Ha ha!" Mikey laughed. "Grumpy turtle."
"Well I don't see why you guys are trusting his so-called Shinibi." He said.
Donnie then lifted his finger towards Raph. "Actually it's Shinobi Ra-"
"Did I ask for that Donnie?!" He yelled.
"Well why don't you trust her?" Leo asked.
Raph then rolled his eyes and spoke sarcastically, "Oh I don't know. Maybe because she's someone, who we don't know, tied us up unexpectedly, and is somehow saying she's willing to help Splinter? Yet she's expecting us, no, ME, to believe she's harmless?"
"Raph, we can trust her." Donnie said. "A Shinobi is a powerful ninja, and can be trusted with her powers."
"Oh that's another thing. What happen to 'magic isn't real' with dork Malachi?" He reminded them.
"A Shinobi is different Raph." Leo said. "What sir Malachi had was fake, her's could be real, and you know how the dream world is."
"Oh you're right, because we know suddenly everything about this magical land! Heck we might even find ponies!"
"Ooh! I hope we can a princess Alicorn." Mikey laughed.
Raph turned towards the youngest, and growled furiously to him letting his anger grow more bigger, and stronger. Mikey only whimpered at the sight of his angry brother, and took a step back trying to be safe.
"Raph, we've been in the dream world before." Donnie said. "Remember those Dream Beavers?"
"Well those guys were evil, this chick is insane!"
"Don't say that about her!" Leo said loudly. "There's good in her, and you should see it too."
"Well how in the world do you guys know she's not a shape shifter, or a Kraang, or even one of Shredder's minions? From what I can tell guys, she a psychopath."
His words, he immediately regretted saying it so loudly. When he turned around to leave the kitchen, he stopped and frozen when he saw the sight of Venus peeking her head from the curtain, letting a teardrop fall from her cheek. "Uh oh..." Mikey whispered quietly as he saw her tear fall.
Raph felt he couldn't move. He sighed and tried to take a step forward towards her. "Um... Venus.."
Before he could say anything to her, she ran away. He never thought his words could hurt someone so easily.
"Venus! Wait!" Immediately, Leo and Donnie ran after her, for Mikey, he stayed with Raph, barley knowing of what to do.
April and Casey were on their way in the sewers to greet the turtles. They already had their family reunion with their members, so they felt visiting the turtles would make an even bigger acceptation for them. It was a bit of a slow walk for they were both talking, but they weren't too far from the lair.
"Moment I got home, my sister just went crazy over my helmet." Said Casey as he rubbed his neck. "She kept begging to try it on."
"I can't blame her on that." April giggled.
Suddenly, they heard the sounds of running feet come towards them. That wasn't a good sign for them, so they immediately grabbed out their weapons. They were ready. That was until they saw a female turtle run their way not looking up, and already did their miscorrect who she was.
Casey gasped. "Leo, what happen to you?"
Venus would not stop running, so she made it past the two humans still sniffing and crying. Soon she vanished.
"Who was that?" April wondered out loud.
"They must have done something to Leo!" Casey grew into laughter which echoed through the sewers. "He's a girl now!"
"No he is not!" The voice of Donatello came to the two humans as they saw him and Leo run towards them. Once Donnie's eyes caught on April, he stopped running. Then he grew a smirk and wave to her. "Hey April, you look very pretty today."
Leo, on the other hand, continued to run and run. He past the two humans and yelled, "Sorry guys! Be right back!"
Before they knew it, he was gone already.
April and Casey were a bit puzzled at the strange situation. They looked at the purple mask turtle for an explanation.
He stood there and smiled awkwardly towards the two humans. He rubbed his and said with a sigh, "A really long story you two."

To be continued...

A/N: also just wanna let people know that the original story of how Venus was adopted was, in my opinion, a bit silly. So I changed it. Hopefully that's not a problem. Hope you enjoyed

Venus De Milo (A TMNT 2012 Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt