"Mei Pieh Chi (Venus De Milo)"

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A/N: oye this might be like "Tangled" XD btw I made the drawing and have another few to show perhaps soon. Tell me what you guys think. Please enjoy ^^

Lights blinded the turtles to awaken themselves, mostly Raphael, when they came back on. He groaned from the uncomfortable feeling he was getting. "Wh... Where am I?" He asked himself as he open his eyes more. Once he did, he realized he was still remaining in the dojo. It was strange to him, for it was downside to him.
But when he tried to look at what he was standing on, he saw the dojo was just fine. He was hanging upside down with chains holding his ankles. He tried leaning up to find some way to get him loose, but it was no use. There was a lick inside, and he didn't see a key anywhere, so he want back to hanging upside down. He then turned his head and saw his brothers remaining unconscious and hung upside down as well. "Guys! Get up!" He shouted to them.
The three turtles woke up alerted and found themselves in the position of hanging from the tree in the dojo. "What-What the heck happened?" Donnie asked looking at Raph.
"How should I know?" He said. "I woke up this way."
"Dudes, I think I shouldn't have eaten that pizza with Maple syrup, peppermint sprinkles, and cheese." Mikey said as his face grew into the shade of a darker green. He immediately covered his mouth before any vomit could escape.
Donnie and Raph felt themselves wanting to vomit from the sight of their brother. "Please don't do it." Donnie prayed annoyed.
"Guys look." Leo pointed forward himself.
As they did, they were to spot master Splinter on the floor of the dojo remaining to be asleep. He had a pillow rest upon his head along with two heating pots to help him. It was good he was alright, but who did this? They watched their master began to shiver and mumble to himself in his sleep.
"Sensei!" Leo shouted as he moved himself. "Sensei, can you hear me?"
"I don't think he can." Raph then turned to their smartest turtle and asked, "Is he sick or something Donnie?"
"I..." But then the purple mask turtle's voice trailed off when his eye was caught away from Raph.
Each turtle noticed and turned their heads to see what he was seeing. A figure, hidden under a brown sag with a hood, stood upon Splinter looking closer to him. The figure pet his era giving a twitch and petted his forehead.
Already were the turtles having their guards up, and began to try and escape the chains that hold him. "Hey!" Raph yelled towards the figure getting the attention. "You leave him alone! He's sick alright?"
Finally, the figure spoke to them. "Your master is not sick." It said in the voice of a female. The turtles jumped at the voice but continued to listen. "He is under the trance of remaining of sleeping. He's fine on the outside, for his mind is what's in danger."
"What? Who are you?" Leo said in his tone being so strong. "What are you doing here?"
The figure hidden under the brown, walked towards the four turtles and said, "I am meaning no harm turtles, for I am here to help you and your master."
"Can you help me find my missing pizza?" Mikey asked smiling widely hoping for a yes.
Donnie looked at him with the face of annoyance and asked, "That pizza is still missing?"
"Yep, and I can't find it."
"Probably because the bugs ate it." Raph rolled his eyes. Then he turned his head towards the figure and said, "Listen sister, or whoever you are, we don't trust strangers who suddenly make the lair dark, hang us from the tree, and expect us to believe you're harmless."
"Beside, if you meant no harm, why did you hang us?" Leo asked.
The figure looked at them, seeing there was no trust, and then sighed. "Because if you saw me appear out of the blue, you would attack either way. I promise on my soul, I will not harm you or your master."
The turtles looked at each other, and then back towards the figure. "Alright, you make a good point on us attacking." Leo said. "But we still don't know who you are."
There was a moment of silence with the figure as it stared mostly at Leo. Then it said, "I didn't expect you all to."
Then suddenly, the figure pulled her arms up to her head, and pulled the hood off her head. Once she did, the turtles were amazed. Her skin was the shade light turquoise but showed a good completion of green, and her eyes were chocolate brown, which were very beautiful. She wore a mask just like the turtles, but it was light sky blue instead of regular blue like Leo's, and her ends of the mask was in a braid.
Believe or not, the turtles witness for he first time, a female turtle.
She then put her right first into her left hand, and bowed to the turtles, giving respects. "Greetings, I am Mei Pieh Chi. I came from China, and I was send to help your master Splinter."
Still, the turtles did not respond quickly as they normally would. Their jaws were fallen a bit right side up with the sight of another turtle. How could this be? How was it possible?
Mei felt a bit uncomfortable with how the turtles stared at her. "Um, is something wrong?" She finally asked them.
Leo was the first to respond. He shook his head with a slight of blush and said, "Oh no, no! We just....we've never seen another turtle before."
"Well we have with my pet turtle Spike," Raph mentioned. "But you're the first we've seen that's a woman."
"Oh.... Uh... Hooray?" She did not know how to take that as a good thing or bad.
Mikey then cleared his throat and said in a gentle tone, "I have no words of how amazed I am to see another turtle miss."
The three male ones stared at their youngest as he sounded a bit serious. This was not like him.
"But all I have to say," he continued. "is this..." Suddenly, he grew a grin and made his eyes move strangely toward Mei. "Hi! The names Michelangelo, but my bros call me Mikey."
Now that they saw what he was doing, the groaned and Raph only palmed his face with the annoyance of his brother. Who knew he was trying to flirt?
Mei only stared at Mikey a bit confused and uncomfortable. He continued on trying to be funny. "So, where you from?"
"She just said it Mikey." Donnie reminded his youngest brother.
"I know, but I wanna hear it again. Her voice is pretty." He winked towards the light turtle.
Leo then rolled his eyes shaking his head. "Oh brother."
She then shook her head, and continued to explain. "Anyway, I am here to save your master from danger."
"Look if it's about the triceratons, you're too late sister." Raph said. "We stopped those goons."
Mei then chuckled and said, "I'm afraid there's another patch of danger that's after all of you."
Their eyes grew wide as they continued to stared at her. "What do you mean?" Leo asked.
"An old enemy," she said. "Dragon Lord, has returned, and he is now into your master's mind, harming him."
"How do you know that?" Mikey asked.
"My father, Chung I, was a powerful Shinobi, who could enter the dream world and keep it safe, until this morning..." She then looked down to the floor, sadness placed on her. She sighed and spoke again, "He was killed by Dragon Lord when he was trying to warn your sensei. He told me to make it to America as fast as I could, and I knew where to find you."
"Whoa, this Dragon Lord sounds insane." Mikey said.
"I'm sorry for your lost." Leo said. "But what does this Dragon Lord want with our master?"
"I wish I knew. All I know of, tragedy is sure to follow if we don't stop him."
"I'm sorry, 'we'?" Raph said.
"Yes, you, your brothers, and me, entered into the dream world and-"
"Stop right there." Raph stopped the female turtle before she could continue any further. "Sorry, but only 'we', is in me and my brothers. Not some strange mutant turtle we just met in the blink of an eye. Not only that, this dream world nonsense sounds ridiculous."
"Actually," Donnie said. "Shinobi is a powerful source of a ninja, only they don't fight like regular ninjas at times. They have unique powers so they could become spirits and enter into dreams. Some can even take others with them when they're-"
"Didn't ask for an explanation dictionary." Raph said stopping him from going any further.
Leo sighed and asked, "So a Shinobi is a ninja that fights with their minds, kinda?"
"Something like that." Donnie answered.
"Awesome!" Mikey cheered. "Not only we get an awesome girl turtle, we get someone with awesome powers."
Mei couldn't help but grow a smile from the nice compliments Mikey was giving her. "Well thank you Michelangelo. It's true, there is a way to bring you all with me. It's all one full of focus and concentration."
"Joy. Sounds like fun." Raph rolled his eyes.
"Now that I have greeted all of you, I am interested in your names as well." She bowed once again.
"Well we like to introduce ourselves," Leo said rubbing his neck. "But..." He then pointed towards his feet that was still hung from the chains.
"Yeah, can we be put down?" Mikey asked. "My brain is dead."
"As if you had one." Raph said.
Mei then chuckled and said, "Of course." Then he grabbed one of the ninja stars and threw it towards the chains that held the turtles tearing them. Once they were torn, the turtles fell on the ground, wincing pain. Mei blushed from her awkward actions, but smiled as they stood up feeling a bit better.
Leo then took his hand out to her and said, "I am Leonardo. You have met Mikey already, and there's Donatello, and Raphael."
She then shook Donnie's hand as he held it out to her. But as for Raph, he didn't shake her's when she offer her hand. He only walked away. So then Mikey took her hand and shook it. "So your name... Is what again?" He asked.
"Mei Pieh Chi." She answers.
Once Mikey let go of her hand, he rubbed his chin and began to think. "Hm, too hard to remember. We need to give you a regular name, something easy to remember."
"Oh, here we go again." Leo palmed his forehead as Mikey began to think of his naming skills.
"Let's see..." Mikey did his best to think of a perfect name for her. He studied her entire form, including her face. That's when his idea popped into his mind. "Ooh! I remember master Splinter showing me an awesome picture of this awesome statue, from his Renaissance book. How about we call you, Venus De Milo?"
Leo and Donnie's eyes grew wide as that name was spoken out. That was indeed a great name for her. The Venus De Milo statue was a women of beauty, who had no arms or left leg. It was one of the most popular arts in the Renaissance. Not only that, the name was meaning 'goddess of beauty', and to one turtle's eyes, he believed she was beautiful.
She tried to see herself with the name, and then smiled bowing towards the three saying, "As you please."
"Awesome!" Mikey smiled. "Now who's in the mood for pizza?" Not giving anyone a chance to respond, Mikey ran out of the dojo and began to make the call.
Donnie and Leo chuckled as they followed him out along with the female turtle. But before she left the dojo along with the others, she looked back at Splinter and sighed. "I hope we can help you Yoshi." She said to herself as she left into the living room.

To be continued...

A/N: ta da! Venus De Milo! I'll be honest on one thing, I'm not too sure if Chung, her father, actual died. I haven't watched every episode yet, but hopefully soon. Anyway, my phone is cut off so I used the wifi for this. Hope you all enjoyed and I'll be back soon with another chapter. Bye!

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