"Believe in yourself"

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A/N: another drawing made by yours truly. Tell me what you think of it, because of all honestly idk if I did a good job on Venus. I do plan if the episode comes out when she's finally introduced, I'll delete this story. Or... Well what do you guys think? Should I delete when she finally appears or continue it to still be my own story? Let me know what you think. Please enjoy.

If there was one thing Venus like about the city, it was when the sun came down to glimmer little stars in the sky leaving the city dark. She ignored the sounds of sirens and citizens either talking or laughing. All she could hear was the wind whistling into her ears. That was all she wanted to hear.
She felt her heart strike a wince of pain when she heard Raph's last words. She would imagine a human saying such a horrible thing to her. Instead it was another mutant turtle, her own kind. She felt herself began to wonder if she was meant to be a Shinobi. She is still very young and needs more practice on doing so, but her own father admit she is already powerful before her growing began. She was always told she was filled with good luck, for now she feels she isn't so 'lucky'.
She was sitting upon the rooftops, looking towards the citizens as they headed home down the streets. She would always peek her head up to look into the stars as they glimmered. But then the sound of soft feet heading towards her, caught her attention. She immediately jumped up to her feet and turned around grabbing a weapon from behind her. She was face to face with an enemy she had never meant to encounter before: Foot-bots.
She stood still as they stared at her and did the same to them. "Well.." She said to them. "Who knew there were other ninjas in New York?"
Without another word said, a foot-bot approached to Venus, which made her jump to the side so it would miss and fall off the edge of the building. Two more ran towards her, grabbing out some weapons. Venus then grabbed out her own weapon, a tessen, and began to fight. One bot ran towards her trying to slice her feet, but missed when she jumped high in the air. As she landed back on her feet, and immediately spot another robot running towards her. She open her tessen, and as the robot tried to stab her with the katana it held, it missed as she slide to the side and held her weapon close to her face. The robot looked at her again and tried once again. It was closed, for it went in between her tessen when she tried throwing. So then Venus pull back with the robot flying towards her and kicked the bot away.
The fight continued on until three more Foot-bots approached her. She was finishing the other two as they finally shut down. But as she did, she felt a foot kicked her by her she'll and knock her loose onto the floor. She tried to get up quickly, but already the robot made nuzzle be inches away from a saw it held ready to slice her. She closed her eyes trying to focus on her powers, trying to push the robot off. Nothing was working, until...
"Get off her!" A voice shouted in the air arching the robots' attention.
Turning their heads, the one Foot-bit that was ready to slice Venus, lost it's head for it was kicked off by Leonardo's foot.
She opened her eyes seeing the blue mask turtle and smiled as he did the same to her.
Leo turned his head and saw the other two robots head towards him ready to attack. More weapons were brought out, and they already were throwing them towards the turtle. Leo jumped from three that tried to get his feet, and flew up when two tried hitting his head. As he was flying the air, landing down towards the two robots, he used his katana blades, and torn the two robots in half letting them fall to the ground to shut down on him.
Leo panted, standing up straight looking down at the two robots and smiled for his victory.
Then he turned his head towards Venus, seeing her trying to stand up, but was feeling wobbly when she tried to. He ran towards her, and held her shoulder helping her stand. "You alright?" He asked.
She sighed with the release of relief, looked into his blue eyes, and said with a smile, "Yes, thanks to you, Leonardo."
He smiled for her's warmed him a bit.
She turned her head towards a Foot-bot as it was torn up showing parts of a robot. "Hm, that must explain why I couldn't push it away."
Leo chuckled, "Oh these guys are tougher than they look."As he put away his katanas, he watched her smile turn into the form of a frown, and she turned her head looking away in shame. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run off. I just.."
"I know." He nodded, even though she wasn't looking at him. "It's alright. I feel I should be apologizing for Raph, being so.... I guess you can say... Overprotective towards us and sensei. He went too far."
"No no." Said Venus. "I shouldn't have run off into the city. I should have walked away from your brother's words, though I am afraid he perhaps right. Maybe I'm not full of good luck."
Leo felt his heart break as he looked at the shell of this female, and looked away trying to think of some way to make her smile come back. Or at least make her look at him again. He let his eyes grow wide with an idea, looked back at the shell and the back of her head, and said, "I doubt that. We are getting lucky because you wanna help our sensei out. We even don't know what to do, but with your help, we might save him."
Nothing made the female turtle look at him. Still she was looking down towards the streets feeling shame in her. She finally glance at him, but still the smile didn't appear. "But what if I'm not able to help you all enter the dream world?"
That face, the one Venus had, it reminds him so much of himself whenever he would doubt his leadership towards his brothers. He would normally go to his sensei whenever this subject would happen, and he would get the best advice. He grew a small smile when he saw those brown eyes and said, "Venus, how can we believe in your abilities, if you don't believe in yourself?"
She blinked towards him, and saw that smile of his grow a bit wider. Before she even knew it, she was smiling herself. Those words reminded her of her father whenever she would need his help, and it made her almost want to cry. Luckily she didn't towards Leo. Instead, she quickly walked towards the leader and wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him closer to her.
He gasp quietly from the surprise hug she was giving. This was not what he expected, though he didn't hate it. Instead, he grew to like it, and wrapped his own arms under her arms. This hug made himself feel warm and happy. Very surprising to him.
"Thank you Leonardo." She said still holding him tightly with her eyes closed.
He smiled from those words, letting his thoughts leave as their hug wouldn't end yet. Suddenly, he felt his cheeks grow into some strange heat radiation. He opened his eyes in confusion when he felt then grow hot.
As Venus finally let go of the hug, she rubbed her neck looking at him. "Sorry for that. I just felt that was my way of showing how grateful I am of your kind words, and spirit." She said.
He nod his head in understanding, but then looked more confused at her when she was staring at him oddly. "Um, forgive me, but why are your cheek madly red?"
He jumped at that question and let his hands touch them. Once he pulled away, there was nothing on his hands, he couldn't even feel anything on his cheeks. "Um..." He tried to think of what to say, but nothing came in mind. Soon he felt his stomach grow oddly, fluttering through him giving the strange feeling. He had to think of something fast. "I uh..... It's probably allergies."
"Oh dear." She said as she grabbed his arm and lead him away. "Let's take you back to the lair."
Leo felt himself feel relief when Venus assume he was having allergies. He didn't know why. He didn't even know why his stomach was twisting  and turning into a warm and fuzzy feeling. It was almost like when...
They headed down towards the sewers and found the lair, including the three turtles, and two remaining humans. Along the way, Venus smiled when she saw Leo's cheek were no longer red, and assumed the smell of sewers is what flew it away. Leo thought that hilarious and laughed. Venus felt her heart strike of fear when she saw April and Casey in the living room. She hid back trying to hide.
Leo noticed her strange actions and smiled. "It's alright." He told her. "They're our friends. They're really nice guys."
She peeked at them once last time. Studying their forms was too far of a distance for Venus. She looked back at Leo and nodded, for she was ready.
As they both entered the lair, all eyes were set upon them. "You're okay!" Mikey chirped as he ran to Leo and hugged him by the side. "Thank goodness the monkey goblins didn't get you two!"
Leo looked puzzled at his younger brother, and looked at the others for an answer. "Long story." Donnie answered before he could say anything.
Casey and April walked a bit closer to get a better look of the female turtle. Their eyes grew amazed as they studied her. She only grew more fear and tried to hide behind Leo. April noticed her eyes were frighten, so she grew a smile and said, "It's okay. We're not gonna hurt you miss."
"Oh yeah," Casey rubbed his neck. "Sorry for assuming you were Leo at first. I guess your bandanas are what confused me."
Venus said nothing towards the two and tried her best to stay hidden. Once Leo pulled Mikey off him, he looked back at the female turtle and said, "Don't worry. This is April, and Casey. They won't hurt you."
Venus put her attention back on the two humans. She tried her best to move fast, but began to take her steps slowly, one step at a time. Once she was close enough to the two, basically faces inches away, she stared mostly at April's eyes. It didn't take too long for Venus to realize they were harmless and good people, so she grew a smile, and bowed to the two. "Sorry for not responding so quickly." She answered softly. "I've never seen real humans before, other than my master."
April let her small smile grow a bit bigger, and as for Casey, his became a smirk as he gave silly eyes towards her. "Well then, you must know me. The name is Casey Jones, sweet thang." He said as he winked towards her.
Already, Donnie palmed his face from Casey. "Really Jones?"
Casey chuckled and said, "What? Gotta make it fun down here."
"Just go get the pizza with Mikey."
"You guys already order another one?" Leo smiled.
"Yeah, it's called a party of seven!"
Mikey cheered with his child smile growing.
As he, April, and Casey headed to get the pizza, Venus turned her eyes towards the red mask turtle as he was sitting on the couch quietly. She didn't even realize he was still there.
Everyone's eyes were on him. Then he stood up, walked towards the light blue mask turtle, wouldn't bother to look up facing her eyes and mumbled something. "I'm..."
As he mumbled, no one could really hear him. Venus looked a bit puzzled and asked, "What was that Raphael?"
"I said, I'm..." He then mumbled again.
Leo and Donnie smiled towards each other. Once they looked back at Raph, Leo said, "Raph you gotta speak louder."
Raph growled towards the two turtles and shouted, "Okay! I am sorry! I didn't mean all of that of what I said earlier! I just-"
"I know." Venus stopped him before he could continue with his annual yelling. Once she got him to look at her with his green eyes, she grew her smallest smile and said, "You look out for your family. That's why you are a great warrior Raphael."
Raph only stared into those brown eyes, and felt himself grow the guilt inside. Even though she forgave him, her last words made him stomp. Was it true? He only blushed for his shouting grew into an echo throughout the sewers, so everyone can probably hear him. This time, he spoke in a low voice and said, "Thanks."
Venus turned looked to the other two turtles as they smile towards their brother. "So Venus," Donnie said as his smile left for a moment "when are we gonna exactly save master Splinter?"
"Even though you are ninjas," she said. "I'm afraid the only time for us to reach your master in his mind, is tonight."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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