A Boy, My family, and I

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Mal: I so badly desire for someone to wrap me in their arms and look at me like I'm their entire world.

But instead I stand here with tears in my eyes staring at you. I never said you would like me but you could have given me a chance.

"Malaya! Dinner is ready!" My mom Phileas yelled up the stairway.

"Coming mom!" I yelled back closing my computer lid reading over what I had just wrote.

The book I had been writing since Norman Berks transfered to my school. I plan on giving the book to him one day and leaving it at that. Maybe he will call I tell myself daily but I am never gonna be good enough for him. So I write, mainly he makes me feel sad with his dating of the cheerleading squad and the way he acts with his friends but the way he acts when he is with me is the part I don't understand. He is kind, sweet, and I just feel like I really know him through and through.

"Mal!! This is the last time I am yelling for you!" Mom yelled again.

I walked downstairs and stepped into the kitchen to smell cherry pie and grilled chicken. I sat down by my brother Roman and noticed Dad wasn't home yet. Dad has started taking plenty of late-nights lately. I worry sometimes about dad and mom.

Mom sets down my plate in front of me but I am not hungry. I eat a bite of chicken and a couple cherries. Mom's phone rings and I pick up my plate, I turn to throw it in the trash but my mom whips around giving me 'the look' so I mouth to her that I will eat later and set my plate in the fridge. She shakes her head as she starts talking on the phone.

I can't eat when I am in writing mode, never have probably never will. I hop up the stairs, take out my ponytail shaking my head, and flop comfortably into my chair.

Right now Norman and I are kinda fighting but you guys still don't know how me met or anything so let's start you guys from the beginning.

Go to the next page to start from the beginning and see why they are fighting...

PastaLover101 helped me write this to capture my full potential. The next page should be up soon.

To be continued...

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