The Stages Of Having A Crush

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Everyone has had a crush. Has a crush. Or will have a crush. In fact if you have never had a crush...then you must be lying. I am 18. I have had about 6 crushes so far in my life...2 of them were major crushes.

Here are the stages of having a crush:

1. You suddenly notice him. You see him around but one day he just stands out.

2. Stalking...on social media. You need to know as much about them as possible...see if they are single and if they like cheese....and their likes and dislikes. This way you have something to casually bring up in conversation.

3. Jelousy. You get jelous if your guy is talking or hanging out with other girls.

4. Next...acceptance. You like him and thats that....

*Remember not everyone has these stages and there are other signs you have a crush too...

** I linked a video. I love the youtuber...check her out!

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