Being asked out by strangers.....

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Another old post from my blog...

March 14, 2017

Have you ever been out in town alone or with friends, and been approached my a young man who asks for your number?

Have you ever been out in town, and been asked by some stranger if you wanted to be their girlfriend or if you wanted to go out with them?If not... then you are so lucky!!
I am going to tell you some times that I have been out and about and been asked out by strangers and had unwanted attention, and I have had a couple of occasions of unwanted attention so I hope you enjoy.

So, I will start with what happened today.
It's not really a big one and it was slightly amusing but I did not give these young men anything they wanted. So, I was out in town and I was sitting down in a "park" and this young man approached me and said Hello as he walked past. I said hello back and turned my attention back to what I was doing. Later, I look up and see the same man talking to some of his friends and they kept looking over at me. I noticed this and I tried my best to ignore them.
Not so long after, I heard someone shouting.
I looked up.
The young men were looking at me and one was trying to call me over.
I looked away and continued to do what I was doing, but they called me over again.
They moved a bit closer to where I was and by then I had had enough and got up, put my things back in my bag and left.
Nothing really happened except for that, but just the fact they kept calling me over and not leaving me alone was annoying as it was.

So, this one happened a number of years ago, and I guess I was a little freaked out by this one. I was on a bus going to a meeting or something, I don't remember where I was going. I was alone, on the bus and I was doing my own thing when I saw someone sit down in the empty seat beside me. I looked up and it was an elderly looking man. I did not think anything at first. I mean, its a bus and people want to sit down when they can. Then the man started trying to talk to me, I had no idea what he was saying because I didn't understand him. He then moved his hand to touch my leg. I moved my leg, and he removed his hand. He then smiled at me. I looked about, seeing if I would be able to move somewhere where I could sit alone. His hand moved to my leg again and he started to stroke my leg. I don't actually remember if I said anything but I do remember trying to move my leg but he did not move his hand. I had had enough, and got up and moved.I don't remember everything, but I am very sure that when I got off the bus he got off to and followed me for a bit. I moved and "hid" and he walked past, turned back and went back to the bus stop.This has not happened again since then, but I still don't like sitting next to men above a certain age on the bus, unless I know them personally.

The next one, I found weird and a little funny at the same time. So, this happened not so long ago. I don't remember where I was going or who I was meeting but I had just got off the bus and was waiting for a message on my phone to see where I was meant to be going and then I heard someone ask me for directions. I look up from my phone to see a man, who looked about 30 years old or thereabouts. I did not understand what he wanted so I told him I spoke English. Then he switched to English and asked me if I knew how to get somewhere. I said I didn't know, apologized and started to walk off but he stopped me and said,"I'm sorry, are you in a rush."I told him I was, and turned to leave again. He walked up to me, and stopped me again and said,"Are you sure you have to go? Would you like me to buy you a drink?"And he points towards Starbucks.I shake my head, said "No" and started walking off.He tried to stop me again but I ignored him and continued walking.

So, this one happened at my last school and some of it happened over Facebook messenger. Hopefully, whoever this happened with will not see this, but then again he does not really speak English so he won't understand but all the same I will not give names.Basically, there was this boy from my last school and he decided he liked me enough to try ask me out. I had "talked" to him a couple times at school, but he was not in any of my classes. Sometime after talking at school, if you could really call it talking, he messages me on Facebook asking me how I was. Thinking nothing of it, I said I was fine and then started doing something else. Sometime later I get another message from him asking if I wanted to go out with him. I ignored it and started doing what I was before. Then I got another message. Cutting the story short, over a couple weeks he continued messaging me.Then he asked me out again. I said no.Then he said something like, "Are you sure? My friends, that I live with are not in, and my bed is warm. There is space for two people!"I remember that I have not messaged him since, and to tell the truth he has not messaged me again either.

This one happened months and months ago.So, I was on my way back from school...I think... and was heading into the store to buy some things for my mum and to get a snack. When I was heading into the shop I saw this young man standing to the side on his phone. He glanced at me and smiled and without thinking anything of it I smiled back. I walked past him and then checked my phone to look over the shopping list my mum had texted me. The man walks past and then stops and turns to look at me. He then says, "I am looking for a girlfriend. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"I just say, "No." or something like that, and look back at my phone.He decided to try again."I am very nice man!" he says, smiling at me.I ignore him and start to enter the actual shop and get a basket. He is still trying to charm me into going out with him.He is telling me he is a nice man and he is lonely, or something like that, and I am doing my best to get him to leave me alone.Finally, I say, "I have a boyfriend."And he looks at me, as if shocked and surprised, rolls his eyes, makes a weird noise and walks off.

This one is similar to my last one, and I have had a couple like this which I do not understand why. I seem to get young men's attention way too much and they often seem older than me anyway and just... Eww!!!Okay, so I was asked to be this guy's girlfriend. I said no, and turned my attention back to whatever I had been doing.He then tries again.Saying he is lonely and has broken up from his last girlfriend and is sad.I said, "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend."He says, "I don't mind."And continues to try and ask me out, as if he thinks I am going to say yes!He says, "I can be your second boyfriend!"

So, there are a couple more but these are the ones that actually were a thing and that I remember and even, as you have seen, remember some things these creeps say. About 90% of the attention I have got from men have been black. Which could mean something or not, I don't know. All I know is I don't like strangers asking me out and getting unwanted attention. I mean, do these people actually expect me to say something like..."Oh, sure, here is my number. Call me, babe!"or"I would love to go out with you!"or"I would love to have a coffee. Thank you so much!"I mean... come on!!!If you really are lonely and want a girlfriend, don't try and pick one from off the streets and if you do try it that way don't expect them to jump to it and say yes.
So, I have told you some of my experiences of unwanted attention and being asked out by strangers. I have to say, the one I was the most uncomfortable in was the man on the bus who kept touching me. Also, as I think I have said, I have had a couple other experiences of unwanted attention when I am out, usually when I am alone. I have been asked for my number, and had men stare at me on the bus, ask me where I am going, and all that. I know it is not uncommon for girls to have this sometimes. Some girls get catcalled or whatever and I am over 100% that girls do not like this attention. If we want to have a boyfriend, we will do it the normal way and not pick some guy off from the street.
But, since I am such an expert with all this unwanted attention, I thought I would try and give you some advice.Firstly, if someone tries to grab you or touch you, shout or try and move out the way and call the police if you can if anything happens.
You could do what I have done and walked away, shake my head, or pretend you are on the phone. To be honest, I have done the "I am on the phone trick" a couple times, and most of them were when I did not want to talk to people at my school last year during the breaks. And usually this worked, unless it was around one of the boys who would grab my phone and try and have a conversation with whoever I was, or was not, talking to.
So, back to advice?I have to admit, I do not really have any firm advice.I would say...Ask them to stop and if they don't try to walk away and call the police or some figure of authority.
Anyway, that's all I have to say in this post on this topic.😊 😇 🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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