~world war one story~

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**I wrote this ages ago and edited it a little. I hope you like it!! :) **

                 June 20, 1915

It was a cold night and twenty year old Jimmy Davids was standing with his friends smoking.

"It sure is a cold night." Jimmy said, pulling his jacket tighter around him.

"Sure is. On a night like this I am sure something is going to happen." said Jonah Edwards, with a cough.

Jimmy nodded and looked at Mark, who's face was tired and pale.

"Mark, you look ill. You should see Dr. Heal." Jimmy said, rubbing his hands together.

"I'm fine, man. I'm good. Just a little cold." Mark said.

"What are you men doing huddled in the corner. We are fighting a war. Back to work." Zach Snapper said, angrily, walking past the three friends.

"On it, sir." Jimmy said, with a cough.

Jimmy and his friends went off back to their posts and Zach shook his head and went off to some meeting.

"I just know something is going to happen and something bad at that." Jimmy said.

Just then their troop comander, Samuel, came up to them and said, "You three young men are to come into No-Man's-Land. We need to capture a German soldior for questioning... those are the orders. Do it for your country, men!"

Jimmy looked at his friends and they looked at each other, fear showing in their faces.

"Get to it, men."

"Yes, sir." they said, in unison.

"I can't do this. I'll die!" Jonah said, who was only 18 years old. Images of his family at home crying at his grave side came to his mind.

"We'll be fine. We are doing this for our country. Our womens' saftey! For our kids!" Jimmy said, bravely.

"The kids I will never have, probably!" Jonah whispered, a tear trickling dowm his cheek. He quickly wiped it away. Men didn't cry!

They set off, along with Albert and  Lucas. They crawled along slowly. All too frightened to talk or whisper. Men rarley returned from this job. It was sure to be the end!

Suddenly a bomb went off, and the five young men fell flat on the ground. Their faces were white and they were shaking with fear.

They lay flat and after a long time they continued on. Being stopped two minutes later by a loud explosion.

They managed to get to the side and rolled out of the "forbidden area" into a small field covered in wild flowers.

"Where is Jimmy?" Jonah asked, frightened for his friend's sake.

"He's not here." Mark said, turning green.

"I'm here." Jimmy said, weakly from somewhere in the distance.

Suddenly there was another explosion and everyone was silent. Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. The minutes fled by. It felt like hours. They were too frightened and paniced to move.

Then two other men, with a red band round their arm, came up to them on their hands and knees. They were from their side, looking for them. Seeing if they needed help.

They went over to Jimmy first. There was blood everywhere, and his leg and arm were both badly wounded.

"I knew something would happen today." Jimmy whispered, in a pained voice. He was in pain but turned his head towards his friends with a brave look on his face.

"How can we help? Can you move at all?" one of the men asked, his face white and full of pain, for his fellow  friends.

The other men were starting to move. All were injured and in pain but seemed to be all in one piece.

Jimmy looked at the young nineteen year old man looking down at him, and smiled sadly.

"Save the others." Jimmy said, "I can't move!"

"You are staying with us!" Jonah said.

"If you stay then I stay!" Albert insisted.

"Boys...men...go...I will be fine!" Jimmy whispered.

After a lot of pushing they left and Jimmy was left alone. He knew he was dying and he did not want the others to see how frightened he was.

"Lord, please look after my family. Keep them safe!" Jimmy prayed, then he closed his eyes for the last time.

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