My Worst Period Stories

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*I can't beleive I am sharing this!!!*

1) I was at scout camp. I am bad at keeping track of my periods. It was early morning. First i had my pads in my bag showing. One of the girls took one out and announced to the girls in my tent i was bleeding. Then i sat up and looked into my sleeping bag. There was a huge blood stain on my pajama bottoms. Just then a male scout leader popped his head into our tent and told us to quickly change. It was a summer camp and each morning we had to run around a field. I felt like crying. I waited until all the girls had gone. Then quickly changed out of my stained clothes. The day was no better after that. Oh...and the camp was in french so I had trouble explaining my problem.

2) Another camp. This one in english. I felt sick. I lost my normal appetite. And leaked on my fave underwear. I had bad cramps for two days. I told nobody.

3) At school. Everybody annoyed me. I spent the lunch break eating chocolate and crying.

What is your worst period story?

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