#Girl Problems: What do you find hardest about being a girl?

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This is a copy from my blog post from a few weeks back, the link is in my profile if you want to see my latest posts, and when I update each week. Oh, and if you find it hard to read, cos I have a feeling the bullet points will not show and it will be just one long post, here is the link to the same post on my blog: 


Being a girl is so hard... right, am I the only girl who says this. I know I'm not. We have the comments from people saying we can't do something because we are girls, we get cramps and are told we are exaggerating, and the worry of being pregnant.. even when you are't.... and I am very sure there is more to list than what I have already.I asked a couple of girls what the hardest part of being a girl, for them, is I am going to put down some the answers I got back here to share with you. I know that not every girl may be able to relate to some of these, I sure don't relate to all of them but I wanted to share them and see if you agree with any of them too, or not. So, here is a list of answers I got back from other girls (Yeah, I got a lot of answers back!!...)Dealing with other girls... mean girls. Those girls who think they are better than all the other girls and like to poke fun and spread rumours.People who think i dress up and put makeup to impress guys. In all honesty, I do all that just so i can feel good when I look at my reflection.I guess whether you are a boy or a girl, people tend to identify you by your gender first. This leads to having prejudices and expectations. But maybe as an individual you do not meet them and its very hard for people to accept that.Stereotypes. Saying it is gross for girls to do certain things... as if it automatically makes it less gross if a boy does the same thing. For example, Last time I forgot to put my dirty washing in the basket, in the bathroom, my mom complained saying "You're so gross! You're a girl and girls should be more clean and organised!" and I'm like "What? So boys are allowed to be gross and girls aren't?"I am a bit of a tomboy, and I also spend a lot of time with boys. Many of the girls think I'm friends with the guys to get attention or a boyfriend.I have often being called a lesbian by my classmates, because I spend so much time with the boys in my class and year group at school. I am not a lesbian. I just sometimes think the boys are more fun than the girls. I mean, there is nothing wrong with girls being friends with boys...right??When my mom wanted to get an iPhone for me... I liked the jet black colour but she told me to get rose gold and said "Black is for boys and pink is for girls." Like, excuse me? Why does society have these expectations on us?Periods. But not just the 'is it cramps or is my appendix going to burst?' thing, the idiots who go, 'it's just cramps, everyone gets them, they're not that bad!' Yeah, pretty sure that when I'm puking, they've gone from 'annoyance' to 'life-ruiner'.The comment, "You can't do that, you're a girl." I mean, why? It makes no sense to me. If I enjoy something I should do it. I have been told I can't play football as I will get my clothes muddy. I have also been told that I am to pretty to go into science. When you're mad, and you are told, "you're on your period" and then usually not listened too after that. And, people judging the sizes of your... you know! I mean, girls in my school show off their bras and all that stuff. I am a girl too, but I just don't understand. I am thought of being weird, because I do not join in their chatter.I hate that if you do things that are considered boyish people think you're gay.Periods are the hardest... by far!!Applying make up is a kind of self-care?Other than the periods, I think the worst part of being is a girl (or more accurately a teenage girl), is that everyone already has an expectation of what you're like because you're a girl. As in, you're not supposed to be a reasonable, level-headed, and non-boy-obsessed human being if you're under the age of twenty and have lady parts.So, there are some of the answers I got back from the girls I talked to. I got a lot of replies and comments. I did get a couple more than what I posted but I think a lot of girls talked about very similar topics and problems. What do you think?What do you find hardest about being a girl?

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