Lord Be With Me

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I sit on top of her with our breathes intertwined together as she holds onto me tightly probably to prevent me from passing out from the news she just hit me with.

Virgin...I would never put that word and Beyonce in the same sentence. Not saying she is a hoe or anything but she is the most popular girl in school and the from the time I have been here she has had boys practically falling at her feet to get at her. So its kinda...weird that she is one and I'm not, well I'm not a girl virgin, I still haven't been near a penis nor do I want to.

"Say something baby" Beyonce says pleadingly as she leans into my chest. Did she just call me baby? "Did you just call me baby?" I ask out loud because I got yo hear her answer to this. A cute little blush quickly spreads across her cheeks and she stuffs her face into my neck causing me to giggle because I'm ticklish right there. "Yeah...is that okay, I mean I don't have to if-" I cut her off with a finger pressed against her mouth because right now there are way more important things then her worrying about calling me baby.

"Your a virgin?" I ask her as I tilt her head up to face me. "Yeah I know its a shocker you probably expected me to be the school hoe" she says making me laugh. "No we both know that's Stacey" I tell her causing her to giggle cutely. "...I just haven't found someone special enough for me to lose my virginity too" she says quietly before looking up at me with her intense brown eyes "except for you" she finishes causing me to almost choke on my own spit.

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