Ibuki Munemasa X Female!Reader

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[ Hello, I am Rainbow! I'm new on this collab so this chapter might be bad. I noticed that a request was made and decided to write this for a reader. We're sorry for letting you wait for 8 months! Thank you readers for staying with Matt and Venus-senpai's story for long! ]

[Nobody's POV]

(Y/n) was a manager of the basketball team in Ibuki's school.

     "I'm quitting basketball, I'm trying for soccer. I was given a chance to be in a tournament"

Ibuki said.

Those words resounded in (Y/n) head. Quitting basketball? Why? What happened?

     "Don't ask, I just... I...."

Before Ibuki could finish explaining, (Y/n) left in a hurry with tears sliding down her face.

     "WAIT!! (Y/n)!! I can explain!!"

Ibuki's voice sounded, but (Y/n) didn't look back or stop. (Y/n) just ran with all her might, after all of what they've been through. He was just going to leave her behind?! Being neglected by her parents was enough, but being bullied at school too?!

     "Ibuki....you're such a idiot... I hate you!"

(Y/n) shouted at Ibuki and since that day, she ignored Ibuki's calls and texts.  (Y/n) cried every night, leaving the basketball club and changing schools. Her parents didn't care for what she did, so she was free to do whatever she liked.

- - - - - - -- -- - - Time Skip - - - -- - - - - -- - -

  The tournament ended after a long time, something about the galaxy or something.

(Y/n) became really cold towards people, she would snap at them. Her new school even called her 'Stone Heart'. (Y/n) walked towards a poster, it was for a soccer tournament. She sighed.


(Y/n) softly said before leaving.

      "(Y/n)! I heard that the popular soccer team, Inazuma Japan is coming over for a soccer documentary! Isn't that cool?!"

One of (Y/n)'s friends shouted happily.


(Y/n) mumbled with no emotion, but her heart was beating fast.

- - - -- - - - Time Skip - - - -- - -

[(Y/n)'s POV]

  Today's the day, that Inazuma Japan will be here. Will Ibuki be here? Wait, what am I thinking?! He doesn't care about me, he left the basketball team and left me alone. I sighed.

    "Hello, everybody! My name is Matsukaze Tenma!"

A boy said, he had brown hair and grey-ish eyes. Beside him was Ibuki.... I tensed up and ran away after Ibuki made eye contact with me. I ran towards the nearest classroom and sighed in relief when nobody was there, I sat down on one of the tables and closed my eyes.


I widened my eyes and shot up, right before my eyes was Ibuki. He was smiling.

     "W-what're you doing here?"

I stuttered, backing up. I started running away but Ibuki grabbed me by the wrist and I looked back.

     "You finally looked back, (y/n)"

     "Let go of me!! Don't come near me!! You left me alone in that hole, I had no one. Let---"

My words were cut off with Ibuki kissing me, I blushed and pulled away.

     "I didn't want to leave you alone, (Y/n)"


Ibuki hugged me, his breath on my neck.

     "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I didn't want to tell you earlier because I was afraid."

A tear slid down my cheek.

     "It must've been hell without me right? I'm sorry."

I sobbed, I hugged Ibuki back.

     "I....I missed you so much!! I wanted to answer your calls and texts but I was scared, Ibuki!!"

I screamed, I finally said it. I finally told him how I really felt, I was happy.

     "(Y/n), I love you. With all my heart, I gave up basketball because I wanted to. I was going to ask you to come with me..."

     "You really wanted to?"

Ibuki hugged me tighter.

     "Yes, I promise. Don't leave me ever again."

      "I...love you too, Ibuki. I promise I won't ever do that again."

Ibuki held my hand and I cried, I think I heard him cry as well. The door slid open and the whole Inazuma Japan congratulated both of us, we blushed and looked away.


All of them smiled and Ibuki screamed at them for making a big fuss out of it. I laughed, I was really glad that Ibuki never intended to leave me. I'll say it a million times if I could....

I love you, Ibuki....

- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

[Rainbow: Oh boy, I'm sorry for the terrible chapter. I just wanted to write this for animewondergirl26 because of the 8 month request XD I hope all of you enjoyed this and I'm sorry, Matt-senpai and Venus-senpai for publishing without your permission ;-;]

[Thank you so much for this Rainbow, it really helped! 


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