Episode 4: What happens now?

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  I reach for my clock on my night stand only to have my hand fall to the ground.
I sit up and realize I'm not in my room, I'm not even in my house.
"Mom!" I yell for her but there's no answer. I try to get up but stumble when I put pressure on my foot, almost forgetting what happened.
I don't remember leaving my house last night, honestly... I don't remember anything from last night.

"Will, oh sweetie... Are you okay? Everything is okay! We are safe here!" My Mom said as she Wrapped her arms around me, a little too tight for comfort.

"What's going on? Where are we?"
I ask as Jonathan and Officer Hopper walk into the room. They all give me the same confused look, and I know now that I'm missing something.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

They can't hide the fact that something is weird here.
I see them share glances, most likely trying to figure out what to tell me.
Whatever it is I just want to know why I woke up on Officer Hopper's couch.

"Your house has roaches!"
Hop's said as he comes to sit next to me.

"What?" I say rubbing my eyes, trying to wake up. Hoping this is some weird dream.

"Yeah sweetie, roaches everywhere! Officer Hopper was kind enough to let us stay here until the exterminator takes care of it."
I can't help but think they are all lying about something.

I lay back down trying to remember something from last night. I remember cutting my foot, but then I must've just fallen right to sleep.
Wouldn't I have remembered leaving the house last night though?
This all doesn't make any sense.

I watch as they all slip into the kitchen attempting to be sneaky.
I slowly get up and make my way over to the doorway.

"Why didn't we just tell him? If it keeps happening he's going to find out sooner or later!" Jonathan said, nervously brushing his hands through his hair.

"It's best he doesn't know right now. He's already been through a lot... When the time is right we will tell him."

I step away from the door even more confused than I already was.
What am I missing? What happened last night?


  I couldn't help but feel like I needed to protect El from everything. If the upside down is really still here then she needs to be protected.
She could stay at my house but my Mom will eventually find her... Unless I tell her the truth.


"Yes honey?" She says, looking up from her book.

I stop and think about if I really wanted to do this. If I tell her she could easily kick El out and freak out, or she could be really understanding and let her stay.
I open my mouth to finally say it when I'm interrupted by screams coming from the basement.

I rush down the stairs to find Eleven flailing all around in her bed.

"No!!! No, stop... Please stop! NOOO!"
She screams, I go to her side and grab her hand hoping she will wake up from this terrible nightmare.
I ignore the fact that my Mom followed me down here and now knows that she's here.

"El... El wake up! It's just a dream. I'm right here!"
Before I could say anything else my Mom knelt down beside me and began to stroke her hair.
El instantly began to calm down.

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