Episode 22: The Snowball

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Guyssss I know this is the chapter you have all been waiting for! XD
(The picture is what El's dress look's like)


I feel my eyes open as I hear the front door open and quickly shut.
I throw my sheets off and swing my bedroom door open. I immediately feel a warm embrace and melt into the touch.

It was her, she was back. I didn't care where she was or why she was gone, I was just happy she was home.

"Will... It's me! I was so worried. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

I felt warm tears run down my cheek and quickly wiped them away. I couldn't let her see me upset, she needed to believe I was okay.

"I'm okay... Just happy you're home."
I say as she holds her warm embrace around me.

I hear Jonathan come from behind us as he quickly joins the embrace.
"Where the hell were you?"

"I was out looking for you! And I got caught up talking to... Hopper. God you both scared the hell out of me."

"We are okay! Everything is fine..."
Jonathan says as he glances down at me.
I see the sorrow in his face and quickly look away.

I knew he felt bad for me... Everyone felt bad for me. The kid who got stuck in the upside down and somehow survived.
And now I'm the kid who brought it back.


"Ummm I don't know what that is..."
I say as Nancy hands me some sort of flower bracelet thing.

"Oh God Mike... Seriously? It's a corsage."

"Yeah, yeah of course! Ughh so like.. What do I do with it?"
I ask as I look at the pink and white flowers that cover the stretchy band.

"You give it to El tonight before the dance. It goes on her wrist alright? I knew you wouldn't know to get one so Mom and I got one for you."

"Oh... Cool! Thanks."
I turn to walk away but feel Nancy's hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, you okay? I mean with everything going on?"

I look down trying to avoid the question. I wasn't okay, but today was a special day. I couldn't let my emotions ruin it.

"Yeah I'm good!"
I fake a smile and quickly walk to my room.

I couldn't let everything going on ruin my day.
I promised El tonight would be special.
I just hope I could keep that promise.


The door swings open before I can knock and I feel myself being pulled into the house.

"Joyce what is going on?"
She shushes me as she drags me into the back room.

She says as I sit on the edge of the bed. She starts to pace around the tiny room as her hands nervously brush through her hair.

"Joyce sit down... Talk to me."
I reach my hand out to her but she pushes me away.

"The boys... They are coming for them. They still want the boys Hopper!"

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