Episode 7: Stick Together

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"Guys something happened... The Demigorgan got him, he's never coming back!" Dustin yells pacing back and fourth like an idiot.

"Dustin! Will you stop pacing, you're freaking everyone out."

"We should be freaked out! This was all supposed to be over."
He continues his rant but is quickly stopped when Lucas puts out his foot causing Dustin to trip over him.
We all break out in much needed laughter as Dustin tackles Lucas to the ground.


"Yeah El?" I look over as El begins to stand. She puts out her hand for me to take, helping me up from the ground.

"I have to show you... Something."
She says walking towards the doorway. I look back to see the boys still wrestling as Jonathan watches, they'll be fine.

I walk with El, looking down at our intertwined hands. She likes me! She really likes me, I thought to myself.
We stop at a doorway and Eleven's grip grows increasingly stronger on my hand.

"Are you okay?"
She doesn't answer and slowly opens the door.
The lights begin to flicker and I see a bed in the middle of the room.
El walks towards it and picks up what looks like a stuffed animal.
And then it hit me.
This was her room.


"Why are we just sitting here? We have to do something!"
I say, very annoyed at this point.

Whatever it was had to be gone by now. The banging stopped what seemed to be a half hour ago. The roof of the car was dented and the hood had been smashed in. I'm going to have fun explaining this to my Mom.

"Buckle up."
Hop's says as he puts his own seat belt on. I don't ask questions and quickly put mine on.

Before I can react he slams on the gas, heading straight towards the gate.
I close my eyes bracing myself for impact and hear the gate smash open.
I look over smiling at Hop's amazed that it actually worked.

My heart sinks when something smashes into the side of the car, causing us to lose traction.
I hold on for dear life as the back of the car smashes into the trees.

"Nancy I need you to run!"

"What?" I say, not believing he actually wants me to get out.

"The lab is right there! It's not safe here, find the boys and go home."

I try to argue with him once more but he cuts me off.


I jump out of the car not even thinking or looking for whatever this thing was.
I hear the crashing noise of the car behind me but refuse to look back.
I rush through the door immediately yelling for the boys.

"Mike! Jonathan! Where are you?"
I rush down the hall stopping at every doorway, but they are know where to be found.

I stop when I hear the ding of what sounds like an elevator.
I turn and hear myself scream when I run into something or someone.


"Jonathan!" I quickly throw my arms around him, beyond happy to see him.
"Are you okay? Where are the boys?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine! What are you doing here?"
He asks, leading us into the elevator.

"I wanted to help. I didn't know if you were here but I had a feeling you would be."

"Wait... Where's Officer Hopper?"
He asks, looking more concerned.
I look down not wanting to answer. I left him behind with that thing.

"He's out there... He wouldn't let me stay with him."
I say as Jonathan forces a smile saying that he will be alright.

The elevator doors open and we are met by Dustin and Lucas standing on the other side.

"Nancy?" They both say, obviously confused.
I notice Mike isn't with them and push pass them.

"Mike? Where the hell is Mike?"

"El took him somewhere, They're probably in a room kissing." Dustin says making kissing noises.

So he does like her, I knew it!


  "El... Was this your room?"
Mike asks as he sits next to me.
I remember all the sleepless nights and late night talks that would happen in this room.
I never wanted that again.

"Yes." I say looking at the drawing I made. I feel Mike lace his fingers with mine and instantly relax.
This place was no longer my home, my new home was with Mike.

I stand up and take the picture from the wall. I don't think twice before I rip it to pieces.
I feel my heart rate pick up and don't realize when I throw the desk across the room.

"El... El stop it's okay!"
Mike steps in front of me forcing me to look him in the eyes. He wipes the blood from my nose and I melt into his arms.
"They can't hurt you anymore okay?"

I have so many bad memories here, and coming back only makes me remember all of them.

"Mike? Eleven?"
I hear the boys calling for us from down the hall.
Mike stands keeping our hands laced together.

"There you are, GUYS I FOUND THEM!" Lucas yells as they all rush over to us.

"You were in here alone... With a bed?" Dustin yells as Mike rolls his eyes.

"Nancy?" Mike says noticing his sister.
"What are you doing here? Are you okay? El saw you..."

"I'm fine, but we have to get out of here. It's coming!"

It's coming! She's seen it. I thought I stopped it, but now it's back.

We all rush out of the room but something is keeping me back.
I feel it's presence, it's too close.

I stop, forcing Mike to stop with me.

"El come on we have to go!"
He says trying to pull me with him.

I scream forcing the elevator doors to shut.

They all turn giving me looks of anger suddenly turning to looks of fear.
The elevator began to screech like nails on a chalk board.

"Go... Now!"
I scream as they all run the opposite way.
I feel Mike's hand still connected with mine and try to pull away.
"Mike, go..."

"No, I'm not losing you again. You can't stop him. Come with us!"
I see the tears in his eyes and it hurts me to know I'm hurting him.
I look at the elevator knowing it's getting closer. I could try to stop it but that meant leaving again.

I look back at Mike and quickly run away with him.
We catch up with everyone and
I know it's going to come after us, but for now we are safe.

I feel the cold winter air hit my face as we all run from the lab.
This place used to be my home and the people my family, but I had a new home and family now.

I can try to forget about my past for good!

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