Episode 18: Trust

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Heyyyy Everyone!! Thank you so much for following me and all the amazing comments :)
If any of you have Instagram or Twitter feel free to share my story! I want everyone who loves Stranger Things to get a chance to read season 2!
If you do share my story please tag me :)
Instagram: aly_ryskamp
Twitter: 1one_addiction
Thanks guys! <3
Also I think it would be so cool if the cast saw my story, so I'm hoping it gets shared and somehow they see it lol.


  "We aren't going anywhere with you!"
I say as Officer Hopper gets out of his car.
Jonathan follows and I'm surprised to see them together.

"Will what the hell are you guys doing?"

"None of your business!"
Dustin says, answering for him.

"Alright kids we don't have time for your little games, get in the car now!"

I see Hopper give El a concerned look and know he would take us right to the bad men if we went with him.

I hear El whisper and lean down so I can hear her.

"El, are you okay? What is it?"


My heart drops when I hear what she says, it's coming.

Almost immediately I hear the demonic sounds screech through the silent night.

"So ummm, we should get in the car right?"
Dustin says as the sounds continue to get louder.

We all move in sync and stumble into the car.

"Go go go!!"
I scream as Hopper finally gets the keys into the ignition.

The last thing I wanted was to be in a car with the man who wanted to turn us in.
But we had no other choice.


  'Hide' was all I could do.
If this thing found me I wouldn't be able to get away.
I was growing weaker every second and could feel my body going numb.

How did Will survive here for a week?
I could barely survive a day.

I sat up as I heard my name being called.


I heard him, it had to be him!
Then there were others.
I could hear them all calling my name and knew they were close.

"I'm here! I'm right here..."

Without thinking I ran to look for any sign of them.
I knew they were on the other side but I had to find the way back.


"You're sure this is where she said she saw it?"
Hopper asked as we walked along the edge of the forest.

"Yes! And then I went to look... And.. she was gone."

He places his hand on my shoulder as if saying it was going to be okay.
I knew she was a fighter, but that thing will stop for nothing.

I watch as everyone searches for whatever it is we were looking for.
A portal? The demogorgan?
At this point I didn't know anymore.

I see Will watching from the car and toss a branch his way, causing him to look up.

"Hey watch it!"
He says with a smirk on his face.

"You okay?"
I ask as I walk over to him.

He says, but I'm not buying it.

"Bull, what's up?"

He looks away and I know whatever it is has been bothering him for awhile now.

"It's my fault..."

I see tears in his eyes and quickly sit next to him.

How could he think any of this was his fault?
"Will none of this is your fault, don't think that!"

"If it didn't take me that night... and if it wasn't still connected to me then none of this would be happening! I'm putting everyone in danger."

"This thing would still be here even if it didn't take you! Who knows maybe it would've happened to someone else. None of this is your fault."

I stop him before he can continue.

"Shut up! It's not your fault okay?"
I see him smirk and nudge him until he smiles. He laughs and pushes me away, getting up in the process.

"Well are you going to help or just sit there?"
I laugh and quickly join him.

It's amazing how well this kid can bounce back into reality after everything that happened to him.


  "We'll find her..."
I say as I take Mike's hand.

"I know... I'm just, worried!"
He says still looking around.

I turn so he's facing me and press our lips together.

"Well... That makes me feel a little better."
I see his cheeks turn bright red as he nervously brushes his hand through his hair.

"GUYS!! I found something!!"

We both jump at the sound of Dustin's screams... Of course it was Dustin.

"What is it?"
Lucas asks as we all look around for what he could possibly be looking at.

"Look... On the tree, That stuff! It's like blood or goo or something."

I feel Mike's hand leave mine as he reaches for the mysterious substance.

"Really Dustin?"
Mike smells his hand as Hopper goes to inspect it as well.

"It's tree sap you idiot!"

Lucas smacks the back of his head as they all go off in different directions again.

"Well how the hell was I supposed to know that?"

In Dustin's defense it did look a little like blood... Blood!

I say as Mike turns around, clearly not understanding.


"Blood... Demogorgan."

I say hoping he will understand.
If there's blood there's a demogorgan and if there's a demogorgan there's a portal near by.

That's what we wanted! We wanted to find the portal... But we would need to find the demogorgan first.

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