Episode 9: Love and War

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  I wake up next to El and can't help but smile seeing her next to me.
I'm happy my Mom didn't check on us last night or she would not have been happy.

I slowly get up not wanting to wake her and make my way downstairs.
I place four eggos in the toaster and hop on the counter to wait for them.

"How'd you sleep?"
My Mom says pushing me off the counter.

"Fine I guess..."

"It was nice of you to stay with her last night."
I nearly choke on my own spit and look up at her. So she did check on us last night.

"Mom I'm sorry! It's just she doesn't like being alone and I..."

"Micheal it's okay. I don't want you to make it a habit but I understand, she needs you."

I can't believe she said it was okay. After everything that happened last night she was actually being pretty cool.

"You are still grounded though."

Spoke too soon...

I see El walk into the kitchen just as the eggos pop out of the toaster.

I see her eyes light up when she see's them and place the plate at the table for her.

The phone rings and I rush to get it hoping its one of the boys.

I say before my Mom takes the phone from my hand.

"Joyce? Is everything okay?"
My Mom asks, her face going completely blank.
"Oh my God... Where did they find him?"
She glances at El and I trying not make us worry.
"Yes of course, I'll be right there."

My Mom quickly hangs up the phone and grabs her coat and keys.
I know she is trying to leave without telling me what's going on, but I deserve to know. Especially if it's about one of my friends.

"Mom...Mom!" I yell forcing her to turn around.
"What's going on?"

"Everything is fine, stay in the house!"
She turns to leave but I stop her again.
"Micheal I need to leave."

"You said that Nancy and I are supposed to tell you everything. It's only fair if you tell us everything too."
I say as I stand in front of the door.
She looks down and finally breaks.

"They found Officer Hopper... He's at the hospital."

"Is he okay?"
She places her hand on my shoulder attempting to calm me down.

"They aren't sure if he's going to make it."
She says giving me a hug as she walks out the door.
I stand there in disbelief not wanting it to be true.

I turn to see El standing behind me. She brings her hand to my cheek and wipes away the tears I didn't know were there.
Hop's might die because he was saving us from the Demigorgan.
We could've helped him but we ran away and left him for dead.

I couldn't help but feel responsible for the whole thing.


I hear a loud knock at my window and turn to see Steve crouched outside.

"What the hell are you doing here?"
I ask as he stumbles into my room.

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