The Perfect Date

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I had fantasized this night my whole life. All the years I have loved her, and I had finally built the courage to tell Jennifer Aniston how I felt. Earlier in the week we had gotten together for our monthly lunch meet up. The topic of me confessing my love to her had been tearing me up inside. 

"Hey Jenn, maybe if you're free Friday you could come over for dinner?"

Not a second later she looked at me with her eyes full of excitement.

"Yeah! I'm free ill come over at 8:30. See you then!" Just after she gave me huge hug and walked off, yet took her time so I could watch her.

 Well, today is that day. I made the arrangements for her favorite cuisine to be catered and her favorite flavor of perfectly aged wine. I wore a dress she had gotten me for my birthday.  She had given me a semi-long, elegant dress. The torso was made of a navy blue lacy fabric. From the bottom was a silk-like fabric that when you spun it flowed out.

It was 8 o' clock, I sat at the table thinking if this was a good idea, When should I tell her how I feel about her? Should I even tell her? Would she feel the same way after all this time? I sat there with all my emotions mixing. Just on time, Jennifer rang the doorbell. At the same moment my heart stopped with such excitement and happiness.

As I walked to the door I took a glance at the window. Jennifer was wearing a deep pink dress her hair dirty blonde with a natural wave, I always told her I loved it when she naturally air dried her hair.

I opened the door and gazed in awe as she walked in. I was speechless! She wore a mini-dress with a deep pink shade and little sparkles at the bottom. She had worn the gold necklace I gave her on Christmas. She stood there smiling and opened her arms.

"I'm so glad you made this plan! I love seeing you!" she said wrapped her arms around me

"You look beautiful! But hey, you always do." I said while we were still hugging

"Are you kidding me look at you! You're a goddess! You always are."

We both just smiled at each other and made eye contact for a couple seconds. Then she looked away as if she had gotten nervous, as if she shouldn't of had done that. Quickly I said:

"Well! um... here! sit I'll get the wine. You wait and relax."

"Okay" she said while at the same giving me that famous flirty look.

I came out with two glasses and her bottle of 7 sins. She looked at me with a surprised expression, but still looked like she expected it.

"How did you know this was my favorite drink?" she questioned while starting to blush

"You thought I would have you here and not have your favorite drink? C'mon you know better than that."

"Yeah I guess your right I just didn't think you would have the right year." 

She blushed even more and it was easy to see now that her cheeks were pinkish and she giggled here and there. We sat and talked for a while about what was going on in the world, a couple minutes later we both realized (in our heads) we had started talking about ourselves. We could finally find out everything about each other, well the things we never talked about with each other, or anybody.

"Let me go get the food." Jennifer insisted.

" No, no, you're the guest! I'll get the food you stay put!"

"I'm getting up either way so there's no chance in arguing with me."

How could I, the tone she used in her voice made my heart melt. As we walked into the kitchen I notice she was more gliding than how she would normally walk. She held her head out and tossed her hair in a casual way that made me notice she was wearing a hint of perfume. I just followed her a few steps behind and kept my eyes on the back of her. I just walked and followed admiring her curvy, perfect body; at the same time she knew I was looking. It was like she wanted me to look.

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