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It was the next morning. I laid in my bed while my thoughts were in a blur. A few minutes later I thought about Jennifer. Did she leave? How was she feeling about what happened? As I sat up I had realized that I fell asleep with my dress still on. As I walked into my bathroom there was a message on my mirror written in lipstick.

"Come over to my place tonight. My turn to treat you sexy."

When I read the message I just laughed. Wondering what she had in store for tonight. I went downstairs to find a surprise breakfast. Just as I walked down the door shut.

"Damn, missed her." I thought.

As I walked toward the kitchen, all I could smell were chocolate chip pancakes. I looked around for a note to see what time I should be over but couldn't find anything.

After I had ate and cleaned up I got ready to go to set. While I was driving me and Jenn passed each other and when we both got to set we laughed and hugged. We completely acted like last night never happened. Here and there in the day though when no one was around we hugged for a while. She told me what time to come over and not to dress up. She surprised when she said that, usually she would tell me to wear something that just wasn't too fancy.

"You sure you don't want me to look beautiful for you?" I asked

"You're not beautiful. You're gorgeous and I want you to come like its just another night for you."

I didn't disagree and we continued for the rest of shooting. When the day was over we waited for everyone to leave the set. We met with each other one last time.

"So I'll see you later." said Jenn, once again in her famous sexy tone.

"See you then sexy." I said then winked as I walked away.

Jennifer said she wanted me to be at her place at 8 o' clock. It was 7:40 and I put on my grey sweat pants and guns 'n roses t-shirt. I brushed my hair and left to head for Jenn's place.

As I pulled up in front I sat there for a minute thinking of what she would wear. But then I only thought about how it didn't matter how she looked, she was always beautiful. I walked up the drive way and made my way to the door. I didn't even have to knock because a second later she opened the door. She pulled me in and opened her arms while saying:

"Come in! Come in! You look just like I thought you a goddess."

"Well thank you but I can't out rank you."

As she broke away I scanned her from head to toe. She had her hair naturally air dried again, she wore an Aerosmith band t-shirt that was sleeveless, she had baby blue shorts on and purple socks.

"Why didn't you want to dress up?" I asked

"I think you look adorable when you're in your relaxing clothes."

She didn't prepare a dinner but she had a giant bowl of freshly popped pop corn and a six pack of bud light. I looked at her with such a surprised look. I couldn't believe she had gotten the food and drinks I loved when I'm in my lazy clothes.

"You're going to drink beer?" I asked.

"I don't always drink wine. I have beer too you know."

"What did you get for us to watch?"

"I thought maybe we could watch your favorite movie."

"You're willing to watch yourself? Are you sure?"

"You're the guest. Of course I am." replied Jenn laughing.

She lead me into the living room and we both sat on the couch. Jenn purposely reached over me and slowly grabbed the remote. At the same time she stuck her butt out showing it off. When she sat back she put the TV on.

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