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The premier was over and some reporters still wanted to get more pictures. We didn't see the reporter and thought he had just left not trying to get more info. We made our way to the limo and went in, first Jennifer sat down then stopped as she looked straight, scared to move, wide-eyed and ready to run. She whipped her head at me with complete fear and I pulled her out of the car. She closed her eyes tight and just squeezed her arms around me as if she could leave immediately. After I had managed to get her off me I sat down but kept my legs out, turned to find him sitting there. He looked at me with a devilish smile.

"Come in, I don't bite." he said.

"Well I do, get out."

"Keep it up and I'll expose the story."

"What story?"

"The one with you and Jennifer running around and playing lovey dovey."

I turned to Jenn. "Wait a minute, we need to talk."

"No she comes too." he said and shot a look at me.

Jenn got in and tried to obtain herself from crying. Her cheeks were all red and kept covering her face with her hands. With all my will power I tried not to move towards her and hug her because that would give him a ticket to expose us.

"So Jenn! Is this the reason why you can't hold a relationship, you're gay?"

"Hey shut up and get to the real reason why you're here." I gave him a strong look telling him to shut up and talk to only me.

"The world will gladly want to know that the most loved celebrity has a dark secret. By the way beautiful job covering it for so long."

"There is no dark secret! Can't you people just leave me alone!" Jenn snapped back, but she was still scared.

"Well care to explain what you two did in your room?" He gave her that devil smile again.

"And what were you doing looking into my private room, on my private property? I'm sure you would love to spend a few years in jail wouldn't you?"

"Get out, now." I said as there was a pause in the conversation.

He looked at Jenn with a respectful smile as he knew that now we had something to use against him. He stepped out and shut the door. The drive came in and drove us home. Jenn didn't want me walk her to the door so I just sat back more in the seat. I got home and dressed myself for bed. I felt that Jennifer didn't want to talk for the next couple of days so I didn't think of calling her.



"Who is this?"



There was no answer, she had hung up.

It was roughly two weeks since the reporter got us in the limo. She had not once called me or tried to contact me until then. I knew I couldn't go to the police or else I would have to explain so I had to figure something else myself. I waited for another phone call but nothing happened...the number was blocked and I had no idea how I would try to tract it. Eventually later the night the door bell rang.

I peeked out the window and there she was standing with red weepy eyes. I opened the door and pulled her in but she stopped me and stood there. She looked at me like she was horrified to see me.

"...i'm sorry..." She whispered tried not to cry and just stood there.

Walking out from the side was him the reporter holing a magazine with the cover of us titled  "The Secret Behind Them!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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