PT. 4

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I woke up to the sound of a shower running upstairs. I sat up and looked around to find the clock saying 6:40a.m. I got up and rubbed my eyes thinking of the van outside from last night. After a couple minutes I heard the water stop. I got up to make myself breakfast and as I passed the window the van was still there with a man standing outside, then two more vans came behind it.

Confused I made some eggs and toast for me and Jennifer with some OJ for me. As I sat down to eat Jenn came down the stairs with a towell on her head still. I could tell she was practically half asleep because she struggled to keep her eyes open, yet she still managed to do her morning routine. She saw the plate I had made for her and she brought it to the table with a faint smile.

She sat at the table and put down her plate and cup of coffee. She took off hair towell and just sat there for a minute looking at the food and then started to eat. I was starting to thinking she wasnt aware I was there. She must of had been thinking of a lot of events because she was would smile then laugh and go back to a tired expression. I had already finished my breakfast but watched her as if I was a ghost to her. She finished and put her head on ber hand now starting to come out of her morning fog. I sat back, smiling at how cute she was in the morning and how she was just so peacful, not worring about anything.She smiled and laughed then sat back and looked at me.

"Morning" she said tiredly.

"Morning cutie." I smiled then got up to clean our plates then asked

"Whats up with the vans outside?"

"Whats vans?"

"The ones that are parked outside." I said while pointing to the door.

She looked at me with the a nervous face hoping that I was joking then she got up and went to the window.


"Whats wrong?" I asked, completely lost.

"You dont keep up with the celebrity news do you?" she asked still looking out the window.

"Can you please explain what is going on?"

She explained the whole story on how a magazine reporter had caught us together after set before vacation. She said she had heard too that they somehow stalked in on our phone calls.

"And so now I'm guessing they're here to confirm their story." she said sadly.

I knew she was nervous because well i knew she was only experimenting. But I was more concerned that I would be exposed. She was the only one that knew about me, the rest of the world didn't. We both just looked at each other with concern because we knew one of us had to go soon and make up a story.

"You get ready for your day, I'll go."

She just looked at me and before I let her say anything I kissed her and got my keys. I hugged her and she walked toward the stairs not saying anything. I checked to make sure i had everything thought of a story then stood there for a second. In this buisness its like trying to defuse a bomb, one slip up and you find yourself everywhere. I took one deep breath and went out.

They were like animals surrounding me and taking pictures. Asking question and yelling them and it was only 8 in the morning. Suddenly one asked a question and everyone got quiet and stopped not letting me pass until I answered.

"So whats going on between you and Jennifer?"

"What do you mean with that tone?"

"You know, all the phone calls and visits."

"We've been thinking of taking a trip to NYC for new years."

"Thats not what we heard last night." The reporter shot me a look knowing it would be hard to get out of that comment.

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