Chapter 16 - Alaric's vampire killing alter ego

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I woke up and found myself chained to a metal table. I instantly started shaking and moving my arms, trying to save myself but it was all worthless. '' Don't even waste your time. You won't save yourself. ''  

I shook again and turned my head, noticing Alaric, standing by another table and showing his back to me. I saw that we were in the cafeteria of the Mystic Falls's high school.  

'' Why did you chain me? '' I hissed, narrowing my eyes.  

'' I have a lot of plans with you, '' Alaric replied and turned to me, smiling. '' You are the perfect bait. ''  

'' Bait for who? '' I asked, confused.  

'' Klaus. Your brothers. Caroline. Everyone, '' Alaric explained and grinned.  

'' Bastard! You'll use me to attract everyone to the school! '' I yelled with anger. '' But it's worthless. Even if you would somehow manage to kill Klaus... '' I grinned. '' The other Originals'll still revenge him. ''  

'' I'm not concerned about this, '' Alaric replied, turning back to the table next to him. '' There are still some things that you don't know Alice. Like this one. If Klaus dies, every single one of you dies too. ''  

I was quiet for a couple of seconds.  

'' What? ''  

Alaric nodded. '' He's the head of your bloodlines. If he dies you die, Stefan dies, Damon dies... Caroline... Abby's family... Everyone. ''  

I was staring at him for a couple of seconds. This wasn't good. This really wasn't good. I had to come up with something. I quickly said: '' You are that much of a monster that you'll kill your best friend? Damon? '' I was thinking how to get of his alter ego form.  

I noticed how Alaric froze for a second. Then he walked to the closest windows and pulled the curtains away.  

The sun, disappearing at the horizon shined in the room. I yelled as my skin instantly burned, smoke started rising from it. Black lines appeared around my eyes and I showed my fangs. I was twitching and letting out hissing, screaming noises.  

Alaric was watching me, expressionless.  

'' Why... '' I murmured. '' It's me that people always love to torture... ''  

Hm, maybe it was because I never really tried to be nice to anyone.  

Alaric pulled the curtains back. I sighed with relief and stopped moving. I closed my eyes as my skin slowly started healing again.  

'' So that's your evil plan, ha? You could come up with something a little bit more interesting, don't you think? '' I whispered, mockingly smirking.  

'' I'm going to chop of your tongue if you don't stop talking, '' Alaric replied, looking all serious.  

'' Oh my gosh! No! I'm so afraid! '' I kept mocking him and laughing. '' You know that I used to be tortured a lot of times. This what you are planning to do before everyone shows up is just... I don't know man... Weak. ''  

Alaric smiled and looked in to my eyes, showing me a sharp dagger.  

'' How about a little bit more imagination? I mean, back in the old days we used to... AAA! '' I suddenly found myself completely wet, my skin was burning again. '' I... I always hated vervain, '' I groaned and tried to save myself, but without any luck. 

After half an hour was my bloodied body still chained to the table.  

'' Man, you broke my nose! '' I murmured. '' Do you know how hard is to fix it in the proper position again? ''  

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