Chapter 27 - My old friend Pete

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Alice! Bonnie is missing!

Translation: Alice, go find Bonnie now, like you have nothing better to do with your life.  

I was sitting on my bed and frowning at my phone. It was Caroline's text. How is it possible that my brothers and their friends every time that they have problems come to me? Do I look like a miracle worker? And why do they always feel like waking me up at eight in the morning?  

I was still feeling sleepy. I looked around the room, nothing special, different then always... Then my eyes stopped at the window. 

No way.  

I quickly sped to it, bumping in the glass with my face.  

There was at least a meter of snow, covering everything outside. The houses, pines and the other trees in the woods, everything was white. Even my Ferrari was buried somewhere. 

Rebekah opened the door and walked in my room, with a cup of coffee in my hands. '' I see you discovered that. ''  

'' How did you know? ''  

'' I could hear you gritting your teeth with anger all the way to the living room, '' she replied, smirking and stopping next to me for a second. '' Have any special plans for today? ''  

I sighed and slowly nodded. '' Kind of. ''  

'' Want company? ''  

'' I think I won't be much fun to hang out with today, '' I replied, still staring at the white snow.  

Rebekah shrugged. '' As you wish, '' she replied. She already wanted to leave, when she remembered something else: '' Be careful. Tonight we have the full moon. ''  

Was that really tonight? I always marked the night of the full moon on my calendar. Suddenly the phone in my hands shook and started vibrating, announcing what Rebekah just told me.  

Okay, I managed to save myself from werewolf bites for all this years. I got the last one when I met Klaus for the first time and he gave me his blood to save my life. I surely didn't wanted to go through all that pain again.  

I suddenly got an idea about how I'll find Bonnie. It was a little risky, but the good news was that I had the whole day free before that.  

I walked to my closet, phoning someone else.  

It took a few minutes for that other person to pick up. '' Yup? ''  

'' Hey, Pete! '' I started, trying to sound as kind as I could.  

'' Alice, '' he quickly replied, laughing. '' Let me guess what you need, '' he meaningfully said. 

'' A tiny tiny favour, '' I answered. '' Please, Pete. You are still in town, right? ''  

'' You are lucky. I'm just at the grill, drinking the last beer before I leave town, '' he said.  

'' Can you wait me there? It'll take a second. ''  

Pete laughed again. '' Sure. Always nice talking to a vampire that doesn't try to bite my face off. '' 

'' Well, you know me, '' I laughed. '' You are one of the few people that have that honour. ''  

'' I'll wait for you, '' he said. '' I wanted to know everything about this weird town anyway. ''  

'' Okay, see you later. ''  

'' By. ''  

I hang up the phone, and started searching through my closet.  

I was one of those people that were always walking around with two hoodies and three coats, even if there was only 0 degrees outside. I dressed in my black jeans, high boots with heels (I really don't know how I'm going to work that out with all that snow), a black shirt, a hoodie and my black coat with round buttons. I never liked gloves, I always preferred to freeze until my fingers almost started falling of. But I had one of those black, woollen hats that were longer on the end. I also found my black woollen scarf.  

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