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September 12th | 7:00 a.m.

Shyanne's POV

Jesus take the wheel. I really don't want to go to school. I just want an extra hour of sleep but then I'll be late for class. I decided to get out of my bed and begin my daily hygiene routine.

I sluggishly walked into my bathroom and turned on the blinding lights. I looked in the mirror at myself and saw that my flat twists were still in tact. I really look like a slave but whenever I take them out I'll look like a queen. Well nobody is going to notice but Melina. Honestly I'm not the most popular girl at Palm-Wood high.

I do have a little over one thousand followers on Instagram and almost nine hundred on Twitter but they're not really a lot of people that go to school with me. It's mostly my family in New York.

Both of my parents were born in New York City. They didn't know each other throughout their childhood, but when they met in high school it was love at first sight. My social life isn't as exciting as the average high schooler. Melina has been my only friend since I moved here to Florida in the sixth grade.

I'm originally from Richmond, Virginia. I miss it a lot because my childhood friends are there. I still talk to some of them from time to time. I would love to go back and visit but my parents never have time.

My uncle Micheal, which is my dad's older brother, still lives there but they don't talk very often. I think I might go back home during the Christmas holiday.

"Shyanne!" my mom yelled from downstairs. "Yes mom?" I yelled back. "Get dressed so you can eat before you leave." she responded. "Okay." I said. I stopped procrastinating and stepped into my closet.

I paced back and forth for about two minutes until I saw my burgundy dress with sunflowers all over it. After that I took no time to get my whole outfit together. I quickly grabbed my favorite denim jacket, my white Vans and a pair of gold hoops. I looked in the mirror and realized I forgot to take my flat twists out. So I untwisted each of them carefully and fluffed my hair out so it would look perfect.

I sprayed my body down in perfume then grabbed my phone along with the charger, my PINK bookbag, house keys, wallet and my cat eye sunglasses. I walked downstairs  and looked at the clock that read 7:32. I had exactly thirteen minutes until my bus came. I poured a glass of orange juice for myself then ate a cheese biscuit.

"Good morning." my mom said. "Good morning mommy." I said. "How'd you sleep?" she asked. "Good." I said. "If you want to take another biscuit you can sweetie, I'm about to go buy some more groceries for the restaurant." she said. "Okay mom." I said nonchalantly.

"I love you." she told me then kissed my forehead. I flashed a fake smile and waited for her to walk out. If you're wondering why my smiles was fake it's because me and my mom barely talk to each other. The last time I had a conversation with her was about three days ago. I don't really get a lot attention from my immediate family. I believe that my parents don't have time for me or my sisters really due to them having their minds on the restaurant they own.

My sisters don't really care for me either. I think it's because I'm the darkest one. Scarlet is the only one that is nice to me. Even though she only does it whenever Shaliyah and Serena aren't around.

I checked my phone to see what time it was and saw it read 7:44 a.m.  I quickly grabbed my book bag and ran outside. It took me about 30 seconds to catch my breath before the bus came.

I waited for it to come to a complete stop then saw those yellow double doors open signaling me to enter. I got on the bus and sat in the third seat on my right. I put my headphones in and listened to my Apple Music until my best friend got on the bus.

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