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I just sat in my seat on the bus and about three songs later, Melina walked on the bus in a cute blue sleveless sundress. She greeted me with a 'Good morning' and a smile on her face. I smiled back and returned to my music. Melina nudged me which made me pause my music. "What?" I asked.

"I said good morning and you didn't respond, I need more than a smile." she said. "Well I'm sorry." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm still waiting." she continued. "Good morning Melina!" I semi-yelled.

She smiled and then turned her attention to her phone. I tuned back into my music and looked out the window. The bus made a few more stops before we got to school. The next to the last stop that we made, made my heart start racing. I'm assuming my body tensed up because Melina asked what was wrong with me.

Before I could even get my thoughts together she realized what the cause was for my body behavior. "Ohhhh." she said while smirking. "He is about to get on the bus isn't he?" she laughed. I sort of mean mugged her because it wasn't funny to me. In case you were wondering who was about to step foot on the bus, it was Adrian Rivera and his friend Tyquees Lee.

They don't live too far from me and they're pretty close to school. They are bestfriends but more like brothers. I've had a crush on Adrian since last year. It didn't help that puberty hit him all the right places over the summer. He was a star athlete in middle school and I think it'll be the same throughout high school.

Adrian is fully Cuban and Tyquees is Black and Chinese. I've only talked to Adrian once and that was when I was in a group with him for Science. Although it wasn't really a conversation it was enough to make me think about him all day everyday. I don't even think he knows I exist. I wish he knew how I felt about him.

Now that I think about it, I don't know why Melina was laughing at me for because she likes Tyquees. I bet she wouldn't like it if I made fun of her for getting nervous around him. If I was bold enough I'd tell him myself but I can't. I don't know if I will ever have enough courage to speak to anyone other than Melina.

When they both stepped on the bus it shook a little. Then after they started walking towards the back I got a good whiff of them. Adrian smelled better in my opinion. I looked at Melina and she acted like I wasn't there.

"They smell good." I told her. "Calvin Klein always smells good on Tyquees." she replied. "How do you know he's wearing Calvin Klein?" I asked. "Lets just say I have a good sense of smell." she said. "Stalker much?" I said while laughing.

She smiled really hard which made both of us laugh. We finished laughing then sat in silence. I unlocked my phone and played Aaliyah until we got to school.

8:15 a.m - Arrival to Palm-Wood High school

Everyone exited off the bus so we could either chill out or eat breakfast before it was time for class. Melina and I got breakfast and sat at a table where one end was empty. I looked around the larger than usual cafeteria and saw that everyone looked to be in they're normal mood. I low key was hoping for a fight to break out. I ate my fruit parfait while Melina was staring into space.

I waved my hand in her face to bring her back to Earth. "Yoohoo, Melinaaa." I said. She got out of her trance and said something that made my heart drop. "We're making some changes this school year." she said sternly. I nearly choked ok my food. "What do you mean by changes?" I asked scared of her response.

"I mean this school year we're going to be more involved in activities." she replied. "But Mel-" I said before she cut me off. "But nothing. High school is supposed to be one of the most rememberable years of your life." she said. I got quiet. "Do you really want to just sit at home all the time or experience the life of a teenager?" Melina asked.

"I guess you're right." I sighed. "No I know I'm right, we need to be more social because who's knows what connections we'll have if we're cool with some people here and there." she said proving her point. "What other changes are we gonna make?" I asked again with fear in my voice. "First and foremost you're joining the cheerleading team." she said. "What?!" I said loudly causing some people to glance at us.

"Quiet down no if, ands, or buts because you've been talking about this since the sixth grade." she said. "You're right." I sighed again. "Don't worry I'm trying out with you." she reassured me. "But Melina...you don't have rhythm." I said in the nicest way possible. "I was just going to try out with you I don't want to be on the team thank you very much." she said feeling some type of way.

"You mad?" I asked while laughing. "No." she said rolling her eyes.

Right then and there the bell rung, signaling it was 8:30am and the start of a long boring day here at Palm-Wood. "Well that's the bell." I said with regret. "I know right, English here we come." Melina said sarcastically.

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