Cory's Test (part 1)

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Test Subject: Cory Williams AKA 'CoryxKenshin'

Trap: Neck Shackle Trap (First Appearance: Saw V)

Cory woke up, with head Facing up at the Ceiling. He felt something on his neck. He felt the collar on his neck, behind it was a cable leading to a small hole in a wall, underneath the Hole was Razor Blades.

"What is This?" Cory asked as he stood up. He heard someone sleeping, It came from in front of him. The lights turned on, revealing Cory and a stranger to be in a concrete room. Then a buzzer went off, making Cory jump and the stranger wake up. The stranger appeared to be in the exact trap Cory is in.

"What the hell? what is this?" The Stranger asked with fear in his voice.

"I don't know." Cory replied, trying to take the shackle off of his neck.

The Two heard a PA system turn on. after a few seconds, someone spoke into it. Jigsaw.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here. I want to play a game."

"Fuck..." the stranger whispered.

"The Rules are simple. the single key to your freedom is in the glass box approximately 20 feet away from the both of you. one of you must reach the key in order to receive freedom. but be careful, the farther one of you go, the harder it will be for your opponent to be successful." The Voice explained.

Cory removed his hands off the collar and started breathing heavily, knowing he's in a life or death situation.

"You will have 2 minutes to complete this task. Failure to do so, then the nail bombs within the upper corners of this room will detonate, killing you both. Live or Die... The choice is yours."

Before Cory could get a word out of his mouth, a metal pipe hit him directly in the face, causing Cory to fall down. It was the stranger who threw it

"I'm gonna have that key!" The man yelled as he walked towards the box, making Cory slide back to the wall and up to the blade. Cory yelled. He had to do something.

He grabbed the pipe he got hit with and dragged it to him with his feet, he grabbed it with his hands. He threw it back at the stranger, hitting him in the face. Suddenly, as the stranger fell back, all the force on Cory's neck suddenly went away, allowing him to breathe.

Cory suddenly made a quick sprint for the key. The Man was choking as he was pulled back to the wall behind him. Cory was almost there. As he was only one foot away from the box, he swung his fist down, Breaking the top glass, allowing access to the key.  He reached in and grabbed it.

Cory inserted the key into the padlock and turned it, unlocking the shackle off of his neck. A glowing green light shined above Cory's side of the room. As the Stranger's Light shined Red. His shackle sent him flying back into the blades. Cory jumped as the man's neck collided with the razor blades, decapitating him. A few seconds passed before the head fell off and the body collapsed on the floor.

Cory screamed a bit and turned away so he couldn't see the carnage that just ensued. After a brief moment, he looked at the headless corpse. He covered his mouth as he felt like he was about to vomit. He fought the strongest feeling to let out what puke his body is trying to release.

Suddenly, a door to his left opened. Then rapid beeping was heard. The bombs were about to detonate. This made Cory do a sprint to the door. Once he got through he slammed the door. Once the door was closed, the sound of the bombs blowing up can be heard. Smoke popped out of the frame of the door.

Cory breathed in relief as he's safe for now. He sat against the wall trying to regain his composure. "The freak is going on?" He Asked himself. He Then looked at the double door on his right, which had words painted on it with red paint.

The Game has Just begun

Cory stared at it long and hard. He finally came to a conclusion that he should go through the doors. He got on his feet, Made his way to them and pressed them open, ready for what he was about to face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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