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it had been a little over a year since niall's boyfriend nick died.
y'know, in a fire that the yellow-eyed demon joji started. just like the one that killed his mom.
and his dad.

his brother, austin, was all he had left.
they took after their father: saving people, hunting things. the family business.
it meant everything to him, austin meant everything to him. they would punish any sick bastard that got in the way of their lives, in the way of any innocent person's life.

he strongly believed in their job, and took it seriously, much like nick's death. since then, and since his father's death, he was sincerely committed to hunting down and killing the yellow eyed demon.

which thankfully, they did.

austin was always alone until his dad, ryan, disappeared. he payed his brother niall, and his boyfriend a visit.
convinced niall to hunt this spirit haunting a highway by his side, and they did.
though, he was arrested in the midst.
but in return, he got his dad's book, and the search for their dad begun.
but niall needed to get back to school, back to college with nick.

and that's what he did, until his apartment caught fire.
nick on the ceiling, flames capturing him, engulfing him.
it was a horrifying memory, it was identical to how their mother died.

since then, austin and niall had been traveling the country, going wherever they needed to save people; it turned into their job. it was the only way, according to niall, to continue their father's legacy.
though they did reunite with their father, it wasn't for long. he left a few times, and finally, after a serious car accident, landed in the hospital. austin was in a coma, was going to die.

but austin didn't die, instead their father did.
ryan winchester made a deal with the same thing that killed his wife, his soul in exchange for his son to live a long and happy life.
he died on the floor of austin's room.

and foolish, foolish austin.

you see, niall had a psychic ability, he had visions of people dying. most before it happened, others while it happened.
and it turns out, he wasn't the only one with an ability. there were many, many others like him.

like mark. mind control. funny guy.
like greg. telekinesis. psychopath.
like sean. whoever he touched, died.
.. like dan. also, visions. really sweet.
and like caspar. strength. asshole.

all of them were kidnapped and thrown in a ghost town, by none other than joji.
it was a competition, a competition for the best-fit for the upcoming "war".
to raise hell on earth.

and they all died, one by one. dan had control of the spirits and demons in the abandoned town, made them kill everyone off.
caspar had to take him out.
caspar, he also took out niall.

this is where foolish austin comes into play. he made the same deal with a crossroads demon for his brother to come back just the same. came with the price of only a year to live, for austin.
and niall, he did come back well-alive,
but was confused why austin didn't tell him how.
because normally, if you're cut clean under the spinal cord, you die.

when niall had found out, he was dedicated to finding out how to get his brother out of the deal. he couldn't lose all he had left.
almost did early, too.


when austin finally shot joji dead, he grinned to himself.
"this is for our mom."

nonetheless, he and his brother had almost all of hell to deal with. the gate to hell had been opened, and it was time for them to take on their job in a much more serious light.

he'd wondered how the colt, the gun that could kill anything, killed joji. it was originally broken and out of ammunition; it only was made with certain ammunition that killed evil.

ian hadn't explained to him what helped him yet.
and niall wouldn't tell his brother who was helping him out of his deal.

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