three | hold me down

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hold me down, hold me down, throw me in the deep end, watch me drown

it had been a while since austin died. niall, with the help of ian, had been hunting recently, trying to fend off the rest of the demons that were released from hell's gate. niall refused to associate with calvin, ignored him any chance the angel took to communicate with him.

after austin died, niall took nearly two months to get back on his feet sanely. he would travel the country, hunting down any type of evil and killing it with his own two hands. no help, no offers, no deals. he was just fine by himself, then, driving the impala around. it still killed him on the inside, sitting in this driver's seat, unbeknownst to if he were next in the line of his family killed who drove the car. first, his dad, then austin.
now what would he possibly do?

sure, ian was incredibly helpful, but at the moment, they were working on a new case with max,, who'd been chatting up ian from the second they'd gotten to the roadhouse. thankfully, it had been remodeled and fixed up; way better than what he and austin had last seen of it: ashes, flames.
sighing, he looks over at the two men, flirting as always.

"guys, the job." niall coughed, rolling his eyes slightly.
"you're starting to sound a lot like-"

"max, if you mention my father, or if you mention my brother," niall whipped a knife from his pocket, dead-inside expression displayed across his face. it's not like he hasn't mindlessly killed, anyway; he was so used to it.
"so, people've been claiming to see angels, telling them to do certain things. fucking with their minds?" ian looks over at niall with a knowing expression, the boy nodding slightly.
"so, what, we're dealing with a spirit and possession, right? identify the spirit, salt and burn the bones, exorcise a couple sons of bitches."

"yeah, but niall.. it isn't that simple like you say it is-"
"trust me, it's been a lot easier."
"what, with austin gone? the hell, man?"

"no, i meant in a sense of research. the recent cases have gone so stale, so vanilla that it doesn't surprise you as much anymore." niall groans tiredly, hauling himself into the impala. the two men nodded, getting into ian's car to drive off to the job.

"i'm just.." he looks down at his hands, he breath catching in his throat. " 'm tired, austin.. i miss you, man, so fucking much." he silently clutches the shitty necklace in his hands, pulling it over his head to wear it.
"i said i'd find a way, and i sure as hell haven't quit yet. even if you're buried.. with mom.." he feels the warm, salty fluid drop onto his hands, eyes stinging and nose a brightening red color.
"i can't use this big ego anymore, man, it's so tiring.. i'm still your shy, taller little brother, and i need you."


austin winces, back still stinging from the whip cracking at him from just hours ago. it felt like eternity, the pain wouldn't end, anyway. this was hell, after all, and he was stuck here forever.
he missed niall, he missed him way too much for anything.

"fuck you, calvin.." he whimpered quietly, hands tied above his head. his eyes flooded with tears again, and he sighs to himself. austin allowed himself to cry, though this was the fifth time today, he'd lost count of how many times over the past few weeks.
he couldn't keep track of days, weeks, months, or years anymore. it's felt like years, centuries; he just wanted to be with niall. he wanted to hug his brother so close and never let go, he'd apologize over and over and would actually let himself be a pussy, but he knew niall wouldn't mind. that's what austin loved about his little brother.

austin couldn't wipe his eyes, and he immediately tried to turn himself around, trying to wipe his eyes on his shoulder. "dammit, joe, not again-"
"that isn't exactly my name, but close enough."

"w-who the hell are you?.." the man stepped in front of austin, he looked more of a shadow than anything else; it was too dark.
"you'll find out soon enough." the man's accent was thick, and he looked about austin's own height.
"you better not be another fucking torturer."
"nope, not even close."

austin felt the man take the side of his face into his hand, and before he knew it, he was unconscious.

angel eyes ; lunfkrz/leafycynicalWhere stories live. Discover now