five | follow you

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so, you could drag me through hell

austin groans quietly, looking around to quickly notice he wasn't in the open. the boy felt rather cramped, arms and legs quickly pushing around.
"fuck, are you kidding me?" he moans quietly, kneeing the lid to the casket as hard as he could, but to no avail.
they better not have taken his fucking cell phone, he swore on that.
austin quickly reaches in his pocket.
thank god.
flipping it open, he quickly dials ian, because he knew that niall would think he was fucking delusional or having some kind of dream.
"ian, it's me."

"austin, what the fuck? you're dead, aren't you?" the tone ian's voice clearly displayed concern, as the boy in the coffin quickly shook his head and sighed.
"well, i thought i was. i'm trapped in a god damned casket right now, i um, can barely breathe? get niall, and fucking dig me up, will you? it's fucking freezing down here, nonetheless there isn't any air."

"are you sure this isn't some kind of trick? niall watched you die. we had a funeral, austin."

"ian. listen to me for once, would ya?!"

"okay, okay. niall won't be around any time soon, though. took the impala, went hunting on his own to kill the damn bastard that killed you." ian sighs lowly, the engine of his car blurting in his ear. "i'm coming for you, aus."

"good god, thanks."

it was probably hours before austin finally heard it, the shovel, or shovels, sinking into the loose dirt and pulling it out.
"IAN!" the trapped boy yelled as loud as he could.
"oh my god, ian, you weren't-"
austin could hear niall's voice change from bitter, stone-cold, to shaky, wracked with sobs.

finally, the men reached the coffin, austin managing to kick open the lid with his knees and hands. his breath was heavy, and he then realized that he was in a suit.
fucking gross.
"guys, just pull me up, please."
austin was pulled up by the two almost immediately, pulled into his brother's arms straight away. he hugged back as tight as he could, niall pulling away for a moment to look at him. "god, austin.." and before austin knew it, his brother had him held in such a death grip, his head buried into his shoulder.

angel eyes ; lunfkrz/leafycynicalWhere stories live. Discover now